Shiver Test | Final Test - Easy

Maggie Stiefvater
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Shiver Test | Final Test - Easy

Maggie Stiefvater
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who are cooking together at Grace's house?
(a) Sam, Grace and Isabel.
(b) Grace, Olivia and Isabel.
(c) Grace and Isabel.
(d) Grace, Olivia and Rachel.

2. What does Grace tell Isabel about Jack?
(a) That he is dead and Isabel needs counseling to accept that.
(b) That Jack is a werewolf.
(c) That she has no idea about Jack.
(d) That Jack has a twitch due to bad drugs Jack took at a party.

3. What does Sam remember Shelby showing him?
(a) Her broken right canine tooth.
(b) Her tongue that had been nipped.
(c) Her scrapped back paw.
(d) Scars on her belly.

4. About whom is Grace worried?
(a) Jack.
(b) Rachel.
(c) Shelby.
(d) Olivia.

5. Where does Sam want to take Grace?
(a) To meet with Shelby in her human form.
(b) Duluth.
(c) To meet with Shelby in her wolf form.
(d) To meet with Beck.

6. What does Grace tell Sam about Isabel?
(a) Isabel believes Jack is alive.
(b) Isabel is searching the woods for Jack.
(c) Isabel wants to become a werewolf.
(d) Isabel is going to call in the FBI.

7. What does Sam realize about Beck's Tahoe?
(a) Something is in it.
(b) That there is a large package tied on the roof.
(c) That Grace is in the vehicle.
(d) It is smashed on the driver's side.

8. What does Rachel ask Grace concerning Olivia?
(a) If Grace is still angry with Olivia.
(b) If Olivia gave Grace the note from Rachel.
(c) If Grace has seen Olivia lately.
(d) If Olivia knows about Sam.

9. Who does Shelby only allow near her at first when she becomes a werewolf?
(a) Jack.
(b) Beck.
(c) Sam.
(d) Paul.

10. What does Sam ask Mrs. Brisbane?
(a) If Grace was a playful child.
(b) To see her garden.
(c) To see her studio.
(d) To see pictures of Grace as a child.

11. What did Sam do when he was shot?
(a) Sam nor Grace know what he did.
(b) Take care of his wound in his wolf form.
(c) Turn human.
(d) Bite the shooter.

12. What happens when Sam is fighting the wolf?
(a) The wolf jumps through the window and disappears.
(b) Mr. Brisbane hits the wolf over the head with a fireplace poker.
(c) Mr. Brisbane shoots the wolf.
(d) Grace stabs the wolf with a kitchen knife.

13. What does Beck tell Sam he can end doing?
(a) Putting up with Shelby.
(b) Going to school.
(c) Looking for Jack.
(d) Working at the bookstore.

14. For what does Grace say she is not ready?
(a) To tell her parents the truth about the wolves.
(b) To leave the town.
(c) To become fully werewolf herself.
(d) This being Sam's last year of being human.

15. Why is Grace disappointed in Olivia?
(a) Because Olivia went to Jack's parents with some photos.
(b) Because Olivia shows Isabel inflammatory pictures.
(c) Because Olivia did not confide in Grace.
(d) Because Olivia starts flirting with Sam.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Shelby tell Beck he has to convince Sam to believe?

2. What does Shelby say is obvious Sam will do?

3. What does Sam expect to find at Beck's box at the Post Office?

4. Why do Grace and Sam get shots?

5. About what does a teacher warn the students?

(see the answer keys)

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