Shiver Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Maggie Stiefvater
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Shiver Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Maggie Stiefvater
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Grace wonder about concerning the wolves?
(a) Why the one she-wolf came to her window.
(b) How they change back and forth between human and wolf.
(c) How long before people decide to go after them.
(d) How they are able to hunt in such an urban area.

2. Where does Sam go when he leaves Grace?
(a) The bookstore where he works.
(b) His home.
(c) His brother's house.
(d) A shed deep in the woods.

3. What does Rachel want to do for the Christmas holiday?
(a) Go to Paris.
(b) Do something exciting but she does not know what.
(c) Try to capture a werewolf.
(d) Leave Mercy Falls.

4. What does Officer Koenig say about Jack's body disappearing?
(a) He says it is untrue.
(b) He says Jack's body was cremated.
(c) He says Jack's body was buried by his family.
(d) He says the rumor is true.

5. Where is Jack Culpepper killed?
(a) In his own home.
(b) In an abandoned house.
(c) On the Boundary waterway.
(d) In the Boundary Wood.

6. What does Sam not want to tell Grace about when he's a wolf?
(a) He is always tempted to kill humans.
(b) He is happy to be a wolf.
(c) He can't remember her name.
(d) He is drawn to any female.

7. Where are Sam's parents?
(a) Missionaries in Africa.
(b) In prison.
(c) They are dead.
(d) In another town not far from there.

8. What wolf does Grace recognize as she encounters three of them in the woods?
(a) Sam.
(b) Her cousin who had disappeared a couple years ago.
(c) Jack.
(d) A friend's sister who had disappeared last year.

9. Why does Grace hate summers?
(a) The wolves are not around.
(b) Her father has to work out of town the whole summer.
(c) The wolves are around and it's not safe to walk in the woods.
(d) Her mother has to work out of town the whole summer.

10. What does Sam remember seeing?
(a) Grace's dog getting bit.
(b) The wolves dragging Grace.
(c) A gun flash.
(d) Grace's father being attacked as he tries to rescue her.

11. What does Grace invite Sam to do?
(a) Introduce her to the pack.
(b) Stay in her room and she'd stay in the guest room.
(c) Meet her family.
(d) To come into her bed where it's warmer.

12. What is the strange smell of wolf that Sam detects?
(a) A real wolf that is in heat.
(b) A mounted wolf head on the wall.
(c) A wolf that is wild but ill.
(d) A werewolf that has gone completely feral.

13. Who had been shot full of bullets the night Sam is shot?
(a) Jack.
(b) Paul.
(c) Derek.
(d) Beck.

14. What does Sam think he should not be doing?
(a) Letting Shelby know what he and Grace discuss.
(b) Telling Grace so much about the pack.
(c) Letting Jack go into town alone.
(d) Spending time with Grace.

15. What does the nurse ask Grace about Sam?
(a) Why he has tried to kill himself.
(b) Where he lives.
(c) Why he seems to not know who he is.
(d) Where is parents are.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Grace and Sam peruse?

2. How does Sam approach Grace that day in the bookstore?

3. What does Sam say makes him change into a wolf?

4. How do Grace and Sam interact when Sam returns to her house?

5. What does Grace refuse to acknowledge?

(see the answer keys)

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