Ship Fever and Other Stories Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ship Fever and Other Stories Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Dr. Sepulveda?
(a) A curator at the art museum.
(b) The tour guide who takes Joel and Zaga through Chile.
(c) Joel's step father.
(d) A widower Zaga meets in Chile.

2. Whose theories are Christopher Billopp, his sister Sarah Anne, and their guests discussing?
(a) Lamarck's.
(b) Mendel's.
(c) Darwin's.
(d) Linnaeus'.

3. Where does Zaga find work after she moves?
(a) At a pediatric dental practice.
(b) At a midwife's office.
(c) At an art gallery.
(d) At a typewriter repair shop.

4. What theory in particular are they discussing at the beginning of "Rare Bird?"
(a) The theory that swallows hibernate under water.
(b) The theory that swallows die off each winter and are born anew in spring.
(c) The theory that swallows hibernate in chimneys.
(d) The theory that swallows migrate to South America.

5. Under what circumstances has Wallace lost his own specimens?
(a) Pirates steal his collection.
(b) Bailiffs impound the collection for back taxes.
(c) There is a fire on his ship.
(d) Customs agents do not let the collection through.

6. What do Rose and Bianca do at midnight?
(a) Go to the ocean.
(b) Go to a bar.
(c) Go to the creek.
(d) Go to the cliffs.

7. What is Wallace doing while Alec is sweating through the ague and sending samples to Philadelphia?
(a) Sending his samples ahead of Alec's.
(b) Writing about the origin of species.
(c) Stealing from Alec's collection of samples.
(d) Locating archaeological specimens that illustrate the evolution of species.

8. What do Rose and Bianca study in college?
(a) Romance languages.
(b) Biochemistry.
(c) Literature.
(d) Zoology.

9. What does Barton give Alec?
(a) Specimens.
(b) Passage to the Amazon.
(c) Money.
(d) Letters of introduction.

10. Where do Rose and Bianca get together again?
(a) Topsail Island.
(b) Turtle Beach.
(c) Kennebunk.
(d) Hammondsport.

11. What has Alec been collecting in Sarawak?
(a) Butterflies.
(b) Apes.
(c) Beetles.
(d) Birds.

12. What is the Marburg sisters' mother's name?
(a) Stella.
(b) Suky.
(c) Rose.
(d) Adele.

13. What response has Sarah Anne had to the letter she had written during the dinner party?
(a) An offer of a reward for evidence that swallows migrate.
(b) None.
(c) An offer of a reward for evidence of hibernating swallows.
(d) A friendly and encouraging response.

14. When does Zaga sell the house in Soroche?
(a) Before her departure for Chile.
(b) After her pregnancy.
(c) While Joel is in Chile.
(d) A few months after Joel's funeral.

15. What makes Alec's decision to collect specimens from South America seem promising?
(a) Political turmoil in the Amazon basin has just ended.
(b) Specimens are being sold for good prices.
(c) Hardly any Amazonian species have been catalogued.
(d) No one is collecting Amazonian specimens.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why has Zaga agreed to raise Joel's children?

2. How does Rose's and Bianca's mother tell them to find what they need?

3. What does Alec bring back from the Aru Islands?

4. What does Sarah Anne think her brother thinks of her when she proposes to test the theory about swallows?

5. How does Alec feel about killing specimens and orphaning their young?

(see the answer keys)

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