The Shining Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Shining Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the terrible dream Danny awakens from?
(a) He dreams that the hedge lion ripped him to pieces
(b) He dreams that he and his mother watch as the hotel burns to the ground, seeing Jack on fire
(c) He dreams that the dead woman in Room 217 strangled him
(d) He dreams that Jack hits him with a mallet

2. What does Jack say is in the elevator?
(a) A broken cable
(b) A leaky pipe
(c) A fire hose
(d) Nothing

3. What is Hallorann thinking when he goes to the equipment shed to get blankets?
(a) He thinks how lucky he is to have met Danny
(b) He wishes he didn't have any powers
(c) Blood and death fill his mind
(d) He thinks that none of this tragedy is Danny's fault

4. How does Danny find out that Wendy and Mr. Hallorann are hurt?
(a) The dead woman in Room 217 tells him
(b) Tony tells him
(c) It is written on the bathroom mirror
(d) Jack smiles and tells him

5. Who does Hallorann call for help to check on the Overlook?
(a) Durkin
(b) Al Shockley
(c) Ullman
(d) The rangers in Sidewinder

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Dick Hallorann work after the tragedy at the Overlook?

2. Why can't the rangers check on the Overlook?

3. What does Jack do to Wendy when he finds her?

4. What happens when Wendy offers to help Jack upstairs?

5. Why does Jack force Danny to look out the window at the topiary?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Danny dreaming when he awakens from a nightmare in the bedroom?

2. What events take place after Wendy finds Jack drunk on the floor?

3. What does Jack suddenly realize while he is in the basement looking over old rock and roll albums?

4. Does Wendy escape from Jack after she stabs him?

5. What does Jack do as he tries to kill Danny, and Danny tells him he is not his Daddy?

6. What plans do Wendy have for the future?

7. What deal does Jack make with Grady if he lets him out of the pantry?

8. What does Jack continue to scream while he is locked in the pantry?

9. What does the conversation between Grady and Jack consist of while they are in the Colorado Lounge?

10. What does Danny think about as he and Wendy wait in the bedroom with a kitchen knife in Wendy's hand?

(see the answer keys)

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