Shiloh: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Shiloh: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Walter, how do the Union soldiers spend their days?
(a) Drilling.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Eating.
(d) Writing.

2. What is Walter Fountain's military rank?
(a) Chaplain.
(b) Colonel.
(c) Captain.
(d) Sergeant.

3. What is Luther Dade's rank in Chapter 3?
(a) Captain.
(b) Private.
(c) Lieutenant.
(d) General.

4. Who yells at Luther's troop to close the gap in the swamp?
(a) Luther.
(b) Palmer.
(c) Sherman.
(d) Cleburn.

5. Toward what location is the Confederate Army marching at the beginning of the novel?
(a) Corinth Landing.
(b) Pittsburg Landing.
(c) Pittsburg.
(d) Corinth.

6. In Johnston's opinion in Chapter 1, what kind of attack would the Confederacy need to make in order to have any chance at all of success?
(a) Slow and loud.
(b) Nuclear.
(c) Kamakaze.
(d) Surprise.

7. What provokes Walter's commander to send him with a message to the general that an attack is imminent?
(a) A minor skirmish.
(b) Seeing Union soldiers on the march.
(c) He hears something in the woods.
(d) Dreaming about a skirmish.

8. Who has information about the history of the word "Shiloh?"
(a) Treadway.
(b) Sherman.
(c) Buddy.
(d) Grant.

9. What does Luther think about the men he sees lying on the ground?
(a) That they have a crushed skull.
(b) That they have broken arms.
(c) That they have a stitch in their sides.
(d) That they have broken ribs.

10. What makes some of the Confederate soldiers in Chapter 1 yell for joy?
(a) Pie.
(b) The sun comes out.
(c) The war is cancelled.
(d) It begins to rain.

11. Who is Luther's commander?
(a) Forrest.
(b) Plummer.
(c) Walker.
(d) Appler.

12. What does Walter's commander make the aides and officers do?
(a) Train along with the troops.
(b) Exercise each morning.
(c) Eat bugs along the trail.
(d) Run five laps around the church site.

13. In which Biblical book is Shiloh mentioned?
(a) Revelations.
(b) Second Samuel.
(c) Matthew.
(d) Ephesians.

14. How should the Confederate soldiers in Chapter 1 have tested their guns?
(a) By replacing them.
(b) By reloading them.
(c) By burning them.
(d) By firing them.

15. What makes it impossible for Luther's troop to stay in formation?
(a) Confusion.
(b) It's too dark to see.
(c) Briars and underbrush.
(d) It's raining too hard to see.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Luther's home state?

2. Why isn't a surprise attack possible for the Confederates in Chapter 1?

3. What practical item do many of the Confederate soldiers join the army without?

4. What does "Shiloh" mean?

5. What is part of the daily drills for the Union soldiers?

(see the answer keys)

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