Shiloh and Other Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shiloh and Other Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Mary Lou’s last name in “The Rookers”?
(a) Wilson
(b) Cashon
(c) Belletieri
(d) Skaggs

2. What did Sandra’s maternal grandmother die from in “Offerings”?
(a) Lung cancer
(b) Childbed Fever
(c) A brain aneurism
(d) Tuberculosis

3. In “Old Things,” Linda believes that it’s awful that Cleo has gotten rid of every reminder of whom?
(a) John
(b) Peter
(c) Jake
(d) Kent

4. How old does the narrator say she was when her mother took her on a long journey North to see the tall buildings of Detroit in the beginning of “Detroit Skyline, 1949”?
(a) 12
(b) 9
(c) 14
(d) 7

5. Kent is a part-time student at what college in “Drawing Names”?
(a) Ole Miss
(b) Murray State
(c) Rutgers University
(d) Louisiana State

6. What do the initials “R.J.W.” stand for in “Old Things”?
(a) Richard James Wilson
(b) Robert Jacob Watkins
(c) Robert James Wilson
(d) Richard Johnson Wilson

7. What is the name of the narrator’s aunt in “Detroit Skyline, 1949” that she and her mother went to visit in Detroit when she was young?
(a) Rita Jean Wiggins
(b) Peggy Wilson
(c) Louise Milsap
(d) Mozelle Cashon

8. How big is the television that the narrator’s uncle shows her in his living room in “Detroit Skyline, 1949”?
(a) 19 inches
(b) 20 inches
(c) 15 inches
(d) 10 inches

9. Where does Norma Jean work in "Shiloh"?
(a) K-Mart
(b) Rexall Drugstore
(c) J. C. Penney's
(d) Waffle House

10. Carolyn’s mother tells her they’re having what for Christmas dinner instead of turkey in “Drawing Names”?
(a) Boiled liver
(b) Fried chicken
(c) Chinese takeout
(d) Baked ham

11. What is Cleo’s last name in “Old Things”?
(a) Ross
(b) Smith
(c) Watkins
(d) Williams

12. Who does Carolyn’s mother say brought the chocolate-covered creams in “Drawing Names”?
(a) Sabrina Jones
(b) Hattie Smoot
(c) Jim Yates
(d) Rita Jean Wiggins

13. Dolores’s friend is said to have gone to a dude ranch where when an earthquake was predicted for western Kentucky in “The Climber”?
(a) California
(b) Arkansas
(c) Maine
(d) Arizona

14. Where do Leroy and Norma Jean live in “Shiloh”?
(a) Alabama
(b) Arkansas
(c) Kentucky
(d) Texas

15. The women that come over to play Rook with Mary Lou in “The Rookers” are all what?
(a) Widows
(b) Having secret affairs
(c) Schoolteachers
(d) Policewomen

Short Answer Questions

1. What grandchild of Cleo’s chatters on the phone in “Old Things”?

2. What weight dumbbells does Norma Jean lift to warm up in the beginning of “Shiloh”?

3. Who’s car does Cleo say is “here all the time” in “Old Things”?

4. In what children’s book does the narrator describe a “picture of a child with his guardian angel hovering over him in "Detroit Skyline, 1949"?

5. Louise has lost her job where in “Still Life with Watermelon”?

(see the answer keys)

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