Shikasta: Re, Colonised Planet 5: Personal, Psychological, Historical… Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shikasta: Re, Colonised Planet 5: Personal, Psychological, Historical… Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which family does Johor choose, and why?
(a) One of mixed race, because they will have an easier time understanding the perspective of others.
(b) An African family, because they live in an area where Johor could easily accomplish his goals.
(c) A British family, because they are rich and will have all the resources he needs.
(d) A Muslim family, because they are intelligent and compassionate.

2. What is George's role in Chapter 33?
(a) He is the judge.
(b) He is the court scribe.
(c) He is the Prosecutor.
(d) He is the defense attorney.

3. What do the Shammat want to do with George in Chapter 26?
(a) Send him to a penal colony.
(b) Assassinate him.
(c) Capture him and force him to stop being a leader, and kill him if he refuses.
(d) Continue covertly observing his activities.

4. What is the sad state of Shikasta blamed on?
(a) The presence of the Giants.
(b) The inherent evil nature of the Natives.
(c) The lack of SOWF.
(d) The influence of the Shammat.

5. What happened to Rachel, as detailed in Chapter 31?
(a) She suffered a mental breakdown, and committed suicide.
(b) She was injured in an assassination attempt on her brother.
(c) She was killed in a youth army plot gone awry.
(d) She was kidnapped by Shammat agents.

6. What is the setting of the mock trial?
(a) Russia.
(b) North Africa.
(c) Greece.
(d) The Northwest Fringes.

7. Who is George Herbert?
(a) Lynda's brother.
(b) Lynda's plastic surgeon.
(c) Lynda's psychiatrist.
(d) Lynda's lover.

8. Who stages the mock trial in Chapter 33?
(a) The youth armies.
(b) Shammat dignitaries.
(c) The white races.
(d) Canopean emissaries.

9. Rachel writes, in Chapter 25, that George often visits what foreign country?
(a) Scotland.
(b) Japan.
(c) India.
(d) Ireland.

10. What does Rachel do in Chapter 30 in response to hearing the rumor?
(a) She goes to find Benjamin and help him escape.
(b) She disguises herself, and goes to find George.
(c) She kills Suzannah.
(d) She goes home to protect her parents.

11. What is the end result of the mock trial?
(a) It becomes an indictment of all humanity.
(b) The whites are acquitted, and those who spoke out against them are punished.
(c) The whites are convicted, and sentenced to exile.
(d) The trial never concludes.

12. Who is Raymond Watts?
(a) Rachel's boyfriend.
(b) One of George's teachers.
(c) A Sirian agent reporting on Shammat activities on Shikasta.
(d) A spy George recruits for his movement.

13. Which sibling is chubby, argumentative and jealous?
(a) Rachel.
(b) Benjamin.
(c) George.
(d) None of them.

14. Rachel states in Chapter 30 that George had ordered her to do what?
(a) Focus on her schooling, and stay out of politics.
(b) Meet him at his final destination.
(c) Stay with Suzannah and help her.
(d) Stay at home and care for their parents.

15. How does George Herbert's attitude towards Lynda's claims change over time?
(a) His attitude remains unchanged.
(b) He begins to take her more seriously.
(c) He begins to think she is seriously deranged.
(d) He begins to have doubts.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is writing to George in Chapter 29?

2. How do Rachel's feelings about Suzannah change in Chapter 30?

3. Who is the Jewish woman who taught George in New York?

4. What is happening to Benjamin in Chapter 31?

5. To whom is Tafta writing in Chapter 26?

(see the answer keys)

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