She Stoops to Conquer Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

She Stoops to Conquer Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Tony hands the letter to his mother, what does Constance do?

2. How does Mrs. Hardcastle react to Tony's flippant attitude toward her?

3. What does Mrs. Hardcastle promise to give Constance right away?

4. What is Kate's response as Marlow moves closer to her?

5. What does Mrs. Hardcastle think when she catches Tony and Constance together?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Hardcastle respond to Kate's hope that he will forgive Marlow?

2. Why have Marlow's servants all gotten drunk to the great displeasure of Mr. Hardcastle?

3. What happens between Marlow and Kate the next time they are alone?

4. What happens between Marlow and Hastings after Mrs. Hardcastle gets possession of the jewels once again?

5. Describe Hastings' mood after Constance has left with Mrs. Hardcastle.

6. How does Constance attempt to stop Mrs. Hardcastle from reading the note?

7. After Marlow leaves and Kate enters the room, what is the conversation she has with the two gentlemen?

8. What transpires between Mr. Hardcastle and Tony in the dark?

9. When Marlow speaks again to Kate, how does he behave?

10. What is going on between Mr. Hardcastle and Sir Charles as they come into the room after Mrs. Hardcastle has left with Constance?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In the 18th century, women, especially unmarried women, had almost no civil rights. Using Miss Neville as an example, explain how she had almost no control over her own affairs. Also, explain why Mrs. Hardcastle came to be her guardian and have control over her inheritance. Explain why Mr. Hardcastle had nothing to do with Miss Neville's situation. Contrast Tony's situation to Miss Neville's. His mother controlled his inheritance, but he had the promise of getting out from under that control even without marrying. What is the difference?

Essay Topic 2

The real villain in SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER is Mrs. Hardcastle. Write a paper identifying the passages that give clues to her real nature. Note in your paper Mrs. Hardcastle's pretensions to upper class position, her emphasis on appearances, her ignorance of real elite society, and her underlying greed. Include in the paper how she manipulated Tony and Constance in order to satisfy her goals.

Essay Topic 3

Words have changed their meaning since Goldsmith wrote this play. For example, the word modesty is used in an entirely different way from the way we use it today. Find at least ten examples of words that have a different meaning today and write a paper showing how they are used in the play and how we might use those words today. In some cases, it might be that the word in the play is no longer used and you will need to provide a modern word that expresses the same idea.

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