She Stoops to Conquer Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

She Stoops to Conquer Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mr. Hardcastle expect from Diggory who was brought into the house from his work in the barn?
(a) To dance and entertain the guests.
(b) To act as doorman.
(c) To make a show at the side table.
(d) To perform the duties of butler.

2. Tired of humoring Hardcastle, what blunder does Marlow make?
(a) He demands to know what's for supper.
(b) He offers Hardcastle a tip for the punch.
(c) He demands to be taken to the dining room.
(d) He orders Hardcastle to unpack his bags.

3. How do Hastings and Marlow continue to ignore Hardcastle?
(a) By talking loudly to each other.
(b) By discussing what to wear before they go on to meet Kate and Constance.
(c) By going to look out of the window.
(d) By keeping their backs to him.

4. What does Mrs. Hardcastle say their mansion looks like?
(a) A barracks.
(b) A barn.
(c) An inn.
(d) A museum.

5. Why does Constance not believe that Mrs. Hardcastle has lost her jewels?
(a) Because she knows where Mrs. Harcastle keeps them.
(b) Because she has them herself.
(c) Because Mrs. Hardcastle knows the value of the jewels.
(d) Because Tony told her they are not lost.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tony urge his mother to tell Constance about the jewels?

2. What funny comment does Hardcastle make to the audience about the behavior of Marlow and Hastings?

3. What names has Mr. Hardcastle been calling Tony for almost a year?

4. What does Hardcastle say about the servants overhearing one of his funny stories?

5. Left behind as Hardcastle and Marlow go to the bedrooms, who does Hastings see?

Short Essay Questions

1. What clue does the landlord give in the muttered line that Tony is a damn'd mischievous son of a whore?

2. Describe the argument Tony has with Mrs. Hardcastle in front of Constance and Hastings.

3. Tony has the landlord give the directions which no one could possibly follow. What fun do they have when Marlow asks for a room at the Three Pigeons?

4. Why does Hastings insist that Constance continue the ruse that they are in an inn?

5. How do Marlow and Hastings treat Mr. Hardcastle at what they suppose is an inn?

6. Using Mr. Hardcastle's speech at the beginning of act 3, define and explain the soliloquy.

7. Explain how the scene in the Three Pigeons is typical of an English pub.

8. How do we know that Kate is actually excited at the prospect of a handsome, well-mannered husband-to-be?

9. What does the audience learn right away of Kate Hardcastle's character.

10. How is Mr. Hardcastle different from his wife?

(see the answer keys)

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