She Stoops to Conquer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

She Stoops to Conquer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What dichotomy does Marlow bewail?
(a) Lower class women do not expect marriage like the upper class.
(b) You cannot pay upper class women the same as you do the lower class.
(c) Low class women are not bound by the reserve of upper class women.
(d) An impudent man may fake modesty, but a modest man cannot fake impudence.

2. Where does Diggory say he learned how to hold his hands?
(a) In the university.
(b) In the militia.
(c) In prison.
(d) In church.

3. What comment does Mr. Hardcastle make to his daughter, Kate, seeing her dressed in the latest fashion.
(a) There's enough silk in that gown to make two.
(b) Have you turned to be like Mrs. Hardcastle?
(c) The indigent world could be clothed out of the trimmings of the vain.
(d) What is wrong with the simple country dress?

4. Before offering to give directions to Marlow and Hastings, what does Tony want to know?
(a) If they need to see Hardcastle right away.
(b) If they have an invitation to the Hardcastle mansion.
(c) If they have servants traveling with them.
(d) If they know where they are and how they got there.

5. What does Hardcastle assume from Kate's comments about Marlow?
(a) That her judgement is failing her.
(b) That she must have met someone else.
(c) That she finds him as objectionable as he does.
(d) That Marlow knows how to speak with a lady.

6. What is so amusing about the way Kate and her father describe Marlow?
(a) They are not listening to each other.
(b) They agree completely about Marlow.
(c) They can hardly contain their laughter at the man.
(d) It sounds as though they are not talking about the same man.

7. What does Tony come running into the room to announce?
(a) That the barn is on fire.
(b) That he has Constance's jewels to give her.
(c) That he overheard Hastings and Constance planning an elopement.
(d) That his mother will not release the jewels.

8. What sort of sales pitch does Mr. Hardcastle make to his daughter?
(a) He offers to send her to the university.
(b) He wants her to learn to cook.
(c) He praises a young man who is coming to visit.
(d) He begs her to spend less on clothes.

9. Why does Constance not believe that Mrs. Hardcastle has lost her jewels?
(a) Because she knows where Mrs. Harcastle keeps them.
(b) Because she has them herself.
(c) Because Tony told her they are not lost.
(d) Because Mrs. Hardcastle knows the value of the jewels.

10. Mr. Hardcastle is furious with Marlow. What does he say out loud to himself about the young man?
(a) That he cannot understand Sir Charles playing such a joke on him.
(b) That he must not let Kate meet the young man.
(c) That he should run him off with a pitchfork.
(d) He is the most impudent piece of brass that ever spoke with a tongue.

11. What is Hardcastle's reaction when Kate enters the room?
(a) He is pleased with the modesty of her dress as they had agreed.
(b) That she must leave at once and go to London.
(c) That she must stay in her room until Marlow departs.
(d) That she will hate him for recommending Marlow to her.

12. Does Mr. Hardcastle think he might change his mind about Marlow?
(a) Yes, if Sir Charles comes and straightens his son out.
(b) No, because he will not give him a chance to apologize.
(c) No, he trusts his first impression.
(d) Yes, because Kate might end up being an old maid.

13. Who comes to visit Kate as she is contemplating the evening and meeting Marlow?
(a) Mrs. Hardcastle wanting to know what her husband told Kate.
(b) Tony Lumpkin, her stepbrother.
(c) The maid with a glass of milk.
(d) Constance Neville, her best friend.

14. After the meal problem is settled, what demands do Marlow and Hastings make?
(a) That their bed chambers are aired out properly.
(b) That new mattresses be placed on their beds.
(c) That they go see to the making of their beds.
(d) That their beds are positioned facing East.

15. What does Hastings say about Marlow in the company of women of reputation?
(a) He is a trembler looking like he wants to steal out of the room.
(b) He turns red and cannot speak.
(c) He puts on airs that the women can see right through.
(d) He gets grand and ignores the women.

Short Answer Questions

1. What admonition does Hardcastle give the servants for when guests arrive?

2. When Mrs. Hardcastle tries to get Tony to say home one night, where is he planning to go?

3. When Kate agrees to accept the young man if he asks for her hand, how does her father tease her?

4. What does Mr. Hardcastle expect from Diggory who was brought into the house from his work in the barn?

5. What does Mr. Hardcastle tell his wife when she suggests that Tony is consumptive.

(see the answer keys)

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