She Would Be King Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wayétu Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

She Would Be King Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wayétu Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the boss of the slave managers at the plantation Charlotte works on?
(a) Mr. Rish.
(b) Mr. Henley.
(c) Mr. Harris.
(d) Mr. Cooper.

2. Who kills ol' Ma Nyanpoo?
(a) The lake demon.
(b) Her husband.
(c) The village medicine man.
(d) The spirit of a cat she has killed.

3. Who are sisters on the plantation Charlotte works on?
(a) Darlene and Nelsie.
(b) Darlene and Charlotte.
(c) Henrietta and Darlene.
(d) Nelsie and Henrietta.

4. What area of the island do the sailors tell Callum not to venture to alone?
(a) The Alps.
(b) The Smoky Mountains.
(c) The Cascade Mountains.
(d) The Blue Mountains.

5. Who is the slave who tends to the plantation's mistress?
(a) Rena.
(b) Edith.
(c) Henrietta.
(d) Charlotte.

6. Whose sketch of the waterfall and lake does Norman use to get there?
(a) Cuffie's.
(b) Nanni's.
(c) Callum's.
(d) Henrietta's.

7. Who finally comes to the shack Charlotte stays in on the plantation after many, many years?
(a) Dey.
(b) Henry.
(c) John.
(d) Robert.

8. How old is Norman when he boards the ship?
(a) 8.
(b) 30.
(c) 18.
(d) 15.

9. What do the Vai women prepare for the visitors to eat in Part II?
(a) Beef and potatoes.
(b) Greens.
(c) Rice and chicken.
(d) Bread.

10. What is one punishment Callum visits upon Nanni when he mistreats her?
(a) He holds her head underwater.
(b) Her makes her sleep outside, suffering terrible mosquito bites.
(c) He starves her.
(d) He forces her to wear clothes that make her swelter.

11. What makes Mistress Emerson nervous about June Dey when he is a baby?
(a) She thinks he is not from this planet.
(b) She thinks he is cursed.
(c) She thinks he will grow to overthrow the plantation ownership.
(d) She suspects he is the biological child of her husband and Darlene.

12. Who slaps and claws at Mistress Emerson in Part II?
(a) Henrietta.
(b) Nelsie.
(c) Darlene.
(d) Edith.

13. Who looked after Khati following Gbessa's exile?
(a) Ol' Pa Piarit.
(b) Ol' Ma Kadyatu.
(c) Ol' Ma Famatta.
(d) Ol' Ma Nyanpoo.

14. Which village is Gbessa from?
(a) Libera.
(b) Varia.
(c) Lai.
(d) Romano.

15. Who takes Nanni's child in after Nanni dies?
(a) Henrietta.
(b) Gbessa.
(c) Ol' Ma Nyanpoo.
(d) Cuffie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Gbessa's fellow villagers think she is?

2. How does June Dey first discover his gift?

3. Who tries to get into the room to comfort Darlene when she is force to have an abortion?

4. Who kills a cat, committing a serious taboo, in Gbessa's village?

5. What color is Gbessa's hair, which is unusual for girls in her village?

(see the answer keys)

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