She Who Became the Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

Shelley Parker-Chan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

She Who Became the Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

Shelley Parker-Chan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 13, what city does Little Guo insist needs to be taken next?
(a) Nanning.
(b) Guangzhou.
(c) Jiankang.
(d) Haikou.

2. In Chapter 12, what animals attack Lord Wang?
(a) Jaguars.
(b) Tigers.
(c) Coyotes.
(d) Wolves.

3. How many servants have to carry a great cloaked box alongside Altan in Chapter 12?
(a) 3.
(b) 2.
(c) 4.
(d) 5.

4. In Chapter 17, what title has Chen assumed?
(a) Chancellor.
(b) Provost.
(c) Premier.
(d) Governor.

5. How deep is the damage caused by the explosion Zhu causes in Chapter 17?
(a) As deep as 6 men.
(b) As deep as 4 men.
(c) As deep as a 10-story pagoda.
(d) As deep as an 8-story pagoda.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does Zhu regain consciousness in Anfeng after losing her hand?

2. What color does the secretary wear who hands Esen documents in a language Esen cannot read in Chapter 15?

3. How many lakes are in the region the armies travel in Chapter 14?

4. What color is Zhu's Mandate of Heaven?

5. What color streamers does Zhu use to decorate Zhu and Ma's new home as a married couple?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when the Prime Minister comes to Zhu and brings the Prince of Radiance?

2. How does Yuchun train?

3. After a meeting in Chapter 17, what question does the Prince of Radiance have for Zhu?

4. Why does another commander need to be named in Chapter 15?

5. How does Chen destroy Little Guo?

6. How does a plague strike Zhu's camp in Chapter 16?

7. What conversation does Zhu have with Jiao in Chapter 21, and what does she show him?

8. When Esen wonders why the rebels abandoned Jiankang, what possible reason does Ouyang give for the abandonment of the city?

9. How does Wang say that he helped Ouyang?

10. In Chapter 16, how does Chen want Xu Da reassigned and why?

(see the answer keys)

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