Shattered Mirror Test | Final Test - Easy

Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shattered Mirror Test | Final Test - Easy

Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Christopher not die from the stab wound he suffered from Elisabeth?
(a) A master vampire heals him.
(b) His vampire blood was stronger than her magic.
(c) His brother heals him.
(d) He took in some of the witch's blood into his body.

2. What memory does Sarah experience as she is sucking Christopher's blood?
(a) When she first saw Christopher.
(b) When she is young and her mother first tells her about her duty as a vampire killer.
(c) When Christopher refuses to kill humans.
(d) When Christopher is stabbed by Elisabeth Vida.

3. What happens when Sarah moves so that Christine can see Sarah's arm?
(a) Christine hides in the closet.
(b) Christine tells her to get out of her house.
(c) Christine asks if Nikolas sent Sarah.
(d) Christine screams.

4. What does Adianna notice about Sarah's wounds?
(a) Sarah is not wounded.
(b) They are very serious.
(c) They are healing rapidly.
(d) They are minor.

5. What does Nikolas say he wants to do with Christine?
(a) Kill her.
(b) Make her his own.
(c) Get her away from this group of vampires.
(d) Turn her into a vampire.

6. What does Nissa do the night before Nikolas is to be hanged?
(a) Tries to get clemency for Nikolas.
(b) Turns him.
(c) Tries to free Nikolas.
(d) Asks Christopher to turn him.

7. Who took Nikolas hunting when he first awoke as a vampire?
(a) No one.
(b) Christopher.
(c) Kendra.
(d) Kaleo.

8. What does Sarah do with her magic when she has the opportunity?
(a) Pulls her knives to her.
(b) Surrounds herself in a shield.
(c) Flies out the window.
(d) Pins Christopher to the wall.

9. About what do Nissa and Nikolas argue?
(a) If Sarah will still want to kill them.
(b) Whether to allow Sarah to live.
(c) Whether to allow Sarah to hunt or take her to SingleEarth.
(d) Whether Sarah would prefer to be dead.

10. What does Sarah insist Robert do?
(a) Go with her to talk to Nikolas.
(b) Take her to meet his sister.
(c) Give his sister a message from Sarah.
(d) Stay away from vampires.

11. What was Nikolas in jail for when he was still human?
(a) Murder.
(b) Embezzling.
(c) Theft.
(d) Rape.

12. What dos Nikolas plan to do with Sarah?
(a) Blood bond her.
(b) Let Christopher blood bond her.
(c) Kill her.
(d) Turn her into a vampire.

13. What does Nissa advise Sarah to do?
(a) Let someone else kill Nikolas.
(b) Go with several other hunters.
(c) Not go to the bash.
(d) Let Nissa go talk to Nikolas.

14. What does Sarah explain to Robert about a vampire's mode of travel?
(a) They can be anywhere in the world instantly.
(b) They cannot fly but can relocate.
(c) They can fly but prefer not to use the energy
(d) They can fly or swim under water for great distances.

15. What does Sarah say Robert has forgotten?
(a) Nikolas is a killer.
(b) Sarah is a vampire hunter.
(c) Christine is not safe from Kaleo.
(d) Sarah must kill Kaleo.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Adianna realize Christopher wants to do?

2. What does Sarah's mother have when she wakes Sarah?

3. What does Robert say when he sees what Sarah shows him?

4. What does Nikolas point out about Sarah's family?

5. What does Adianna do in a desperate attempt to save Sarah?

(see the answer keys)

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