Sharpe's Waterloo: Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo Campaign Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Waterloo: Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo Campaign Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How are Napoleon's men dressed?
(a) In drab grey.
(b) In their finest uniforms with gold and silver plumes that gleam in the weak sunshine.
(c) Like a ragtag Army.
(d) In several different styles from various campaigns.

2. Who protects the British horse artillery?
(a) The British heavy cavalry.
(b) The Prussian infantry artillery.
(c) No units are available to protect them.
(d) The Dragoons and Life Guards of the British Cavalry.

3. How does Blucher's Prussian army fare the day before?
(a) Defeated but not destroyed.
(b) Most of the Prussians deserted and are on their way home.
(c) Utterly destroyed.
(d) Blucher is killed but the army is completely intact.

4. Which men are posted to reinforce the garrison defending Hougoumont?
(a) The 3rd Horse Artillery Battalion.
(b) The 2nd Guards Brigade.
(c) The 2nd Infantry Artillery Brigade.
(d) The 2nd Heavy Cavalry.

5. What does Rossendale do when he sees Sharpe coming his way?
(a) Calls for help.
(b) Stands his ground.
(c) Draws his sword.
(d) Flees into the woods.

6. Where do Sharpe and Harper travel with other officers and staff?
(a) Towards the French army's left flank.
(b) The road south to the crossroads at Mont-St-Jean.
(c) Towards the French army's right flank.
(d) With the reserves in the north.

7. What does Wellington order the Earl of Uxbridge to do?
(a) Try to take out the heavy artillery on the South ridge.
(b) Attack the advancing French formations with the British heavy cavalry.
(c) Retreat.
(d) Try to flank the Cuirassiers.

8. Where do the French retreat?
(a) To the woods.
(b) To Waterloo.
(c) To the west ridge.
(d) To the south.

9. What does the Prince of Orange do to cover his embarrassment from the previous day?
(a) Makes an exaggerated analysis of the allied lines.
(b) Says the knock on his head addled his brains.
(c) Blusters his way through planning his army's assignment.
(d) Asks Sharpe about the encounter with Lord Rossendale.

10. What is the Emperor's signal to start the battle?
(a) A 21 gun rifle salute.
(b) A single cannon shot.
(c) A dozen bugle tones.
(d) Three cannon shots.

11. Of what is Sharpe convinced?
(a) The west ridge is strong enough without any reserves.
(b) The men in the chateau are perfectly capable of holding the position.
(c) The southern hills are set with an ambush.
(d) The west ridge will fall soon without reserves.

12. Who wears black bearskins?
(a) The elite Imperial Guard.
(b) The sharpshooters.
(c) The elite French legion of the forest.
(d) The elite French legion of the cross.

13. What are many of the British redcoats doing as they wait?
(a) Smoking clay pipes.
(b) Throwing dice.
(c) Playing cards.
(d) Writing home.

14. What does Rebecque want of Sharpe?
(a) To take charge of a forward expedition.
(b) Rebecque wants Sharpe to make peace with the Prince.
(c) To lead a small group of soldiers for reconaissance.
(d) To be Rebecque's second in a duel.

15. How are the British heavy cavalry defeated?
(a) They run up on hidden cannons.
(b) They run up on hidden light guns.
(c) They are overpowered by the Cuirassiers.
(d) They fail to listen to the bugle call to retreat.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Sharpe join?

2. What does the Duke see to their south?

3. What is the weather like as the British wait for Napoleon's army?

4. Where are the British's first casualties?

5. What is the use for the cobbled road?

(see the answer keys)

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