Sharpe's Waterloo: Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo Campaign Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Waterloo: Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo Campaign Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sharpe order Doggett to do?
(a) To return to Quatre Bras to inform Saxe-Weimar.
(b) To go around to one side of the force as Sharpe goes to the other.
(c) To disguise himself as a Belgium peasant.
(d) To get to Brussels to report to the Duke of Wellington.

2. What happens to Saxe-Weimar's men?
(a) They turncoat and join the French in attacking the Prince of Orange's troops.
(b) They are the first to be slaughtered.
(c) They surrender.
(d) They retreat in an orderly fashion.

3. Why do the Belgian cavalry flee?
(a) They are afraid to attack the more experienced French cavalry.
(b) They secretly root for Napoleon's victory.
(c) They do not like the Prince of Orange.
(d) They had belonged to the French cavalry the year previously.

4. How is the horseman dressed?
(a) Like a monk.
(b) In a bard's outfit.
(c) In a medley of different national uniforms.
(d) In fine, nobleman's clothing.

5. To whom is a note about the French advance delivered?
(a) The King of Belgium.
(b) General Dornberg.
(c) The Duke of Wellingham.
(d) No one.

6. How might the pace of the Prussian Major who is taking news to Brussels be described?
(a) Slow through neccessity.
(b) Rapid.
(c) Irresponsibly leisurely.
(d) Stalled.

7. About what is the Duke of Wellington worried?
(a) His wife's pregnancy.
(b) Getting back to England.
(c) His daughter's illness.
(d) The quality and numbers of his troops.

8. What order does Sharpe refuse to take to Halkett?
(a) That Halkett move East one mile.
(b) That Halkett stay in place in his square.
(c) That Halkett's men form a line.
(d) That Halkett retreat.

9. Who are the Cuirassiers?
(a) A band of pirates who have thrown in with the French.
(b) The Dutch special lance brigade.
(c) The "big brothers" of the French army on heavy horses.
(d) The French pikemen.

10. Why do the Prince of Orange's men refuse to follow him to attack the French cannon?
(a) A brigade of French light cavalry has appeared.
(b) There are several smaller cannons trained on them.
(c) The mastiffs are ringed around the cannons.
(d) They have to ride through a grass fire to get there.

11. How are the Brunswickers identified?
(a) Black coats.
(b) Feathers in their caps.
(c) Green coats.
(d) Yellow coats.

12. What does Sharpe do before returning to Quartre Bras?
(a) Insult Jane.
(b) Slap the Duchess's daughter.
(c) Drink a bit too much ale.
(d) Challenge Rossendale to a duel.

13. How are the French Dragoons received by the Belgium people?
(a) The Dragoons are welcomed.
(b) The Dragoons are fired upon.
(c) The Dragoons are ignored.
(d) Some welcome the Dragoons, but most revile them.

14. What happens to the Dutch-Belgian guns and infantry?
(a) They are flanked and surrender.
(b) They are slaughtered almost to a man.
(c) They confuse their orders and are not where they are supposed to be.
(d) They leave the battlefield in a blind panic.

15. What causes the most casualties to the Dragoons from the Prussians?
(a) Their sharpshooter brigade.
(b) The elite cavalry of the Prussian army.
(c) A ditch filled with pitch that they light.
(d) Hidden cannons.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jane discover?

2. From where do Harper and Sharpe withdraw?

3. What happens to the 69th battalion?

4. Upon whose staff is the horseman?

5. Who arrives at Quatre Bras with the British Light Cavalry?

(see the answer keys)

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