Sharpe's Trafalgar: Richard Sharpe and the Battle of Trafalgar, October 21, 1805 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Trafalgar: Richard Sharpe and the Battle of Trafalgar, October 21, 1805 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sharpe use to remove the impurities from the ship's food?
(a) A wire brush.
(b) A mold remover machine.
(c) A blender.
(d) A filtering machine.

2. What does Cromwell tell Sharpe he should hide from the French?
(a) His maps.
(b) His money.
(c) His pocket knife.
(d) His telescope.

3. What does one of the seamen claim to have seen at dawn?
(a) A shark.
(b) A mermaid.
(c) A whale.
(d) A sea dragon.

4. Why has Sharpe bought so many goods from Nana?
(a) He wants things to cheer up his men.
(b) He can buy them much cheaper than in England.
(c) To make his voyage more comfortable.
(d) He needs presents for his family.

5. What does Tufnell show Sharpe how to do?
(a) Tie knots.
(b) Set the sails.
(c) Navigate.
(d) Steer the boat.

6. What does Nana Rao have protecting his warehouse?
(a) Bodyguards.
(b) A crocodile infested river.
(c) Guard dogs.
(d) A moat.

7. What is Baron Von Dornberg's real name?
(a) Anthony Pohlmann.
(b) David Seaman.
(c) James Wellesley.
(d) George Washington.

8. Who does Cromwell say the French don't make war on?
(a) The upper-classes.
(b) Americans.
(c) Private individuals.
(d) Honest sailors.

9. What kind of fruit would Chase like to grow in England?
(a) Melons.
(b) Bananas.
(c) Mangoes.
(d) Pineapples.

10. What is Nana Rao using to count the rupees?
(a) A calculator.
(b) Sand.
(c) An abacus.
(d) His fingers.

11. What does Sharpe think London smells of?
(a) Sewage.
(b) Bullock dung.
(c) Coal smoke.
(d) Spices.

12. What is the American ship carrying to Mauritius?
(a) Powder and shot.
(b) Drugs and alcohol.
(c) Goats and chickens.
(d) Clothes and tea.

13. What does Panjit tell the naval captain he will do if he doesn't leave his property?
(a) Organize an arrest warrant.
(b) Order his men to fire.
(c) Summon the authorities.
(d) Send out his men.

14. Why does Grace think she is a fool?
(a) She has lived for money.
(b) She has lost a child.
(c) She has never followed her instincts.
(d) She has never been happy.

15. Why doesn't Tufnell think Cromwell couldn't have sold the ship to the French?
(a) He is the most honorable man he has ever met.
(b) He is proud of being a sea captain.
(c) He has no need for money.
(d) He is proud of being English.

Short Answer Questions

1. What language does Sharpe think the Swiss speak?

2. Why does Sharpe like India?

3. What does Cromwell say is Britain's natural posture?

4. What does Cromwell's cabin smell of?

5. Who is Sharpe pursued by in his dream?

(see the answer keys)

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