Sharpe's Tiger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Tiger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is near Sharpe's discovery in the dungeon?
(a) Mary.
(b) Hakeswill.
(c) McCandless.
(d) Lawford.

2. Who does Sharpe visit at Roa's house?
(a) Kunwar Singh.
(b) No one.
(c) Lawford.
(d) Mary.

3. Where does Sharpe take Lawford?
(a) No where.
(b) To a tavern.
(c) To the armory.
(d) To the infirmary.

4. What does Sharpe use to get rid of the men guarding the black-powder mine?
(a) Herds a tiger towards them.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Sends a cart of rockets towards them.
(d) Shoots them all.

5. What are the British officers discussing at the opening of chapter 8?
(a) Battle plans.
(b) Whether to send in shells knowing it may harm British prisoners.
(c) Whether to retreat.
(d) Whether Sharpe has truly become a traitor.

6. What is nearly finished?
(a) The British emplacements.
(b) Tippoo's black-power mine.
(c) The Muslim Ramadan.
(d) The cannon arrangements on the wall.

7. Why can't Gudin help Sharpe?
(a) He can help them if he wants.
(b) It would cross the bounds of what an advisor is to do.
(c) Sharpe is Tippoo's prisoner.
(d) Sharpe has admitted his role.

8. Where does the British army establish camp?
(a) South of the city.
(b) North west of the city.
(c) East of the city so the sun will be in the French's eyes.
(d) On the west of the city.

9. Who takes a liking to Mary?
(a) Lawford.
(b) Lakshmi.
(c) General Rao.
(d) Gudin.

10. What does Sharpe discuss with Lawford and McCandless?
(a) The tiger.
(b) The pile of rockets.
(c) The British situation.
(d) The kegs of powder.

11. What does Sharpe receive from Tippoo?
(a) A silver sword hilt.
(b) Gold gilt for his sword pommel.
(c) A new rifle.
(d) A large, gold medallion.

12. What is Gudin reluctant to do?
(a) Arrest Mary.
(b) Kill Mary.
(c) Kill Lawford.
(d) Arrest Sharpe.

13. Who orders Sharpe to ride out towards the British?
(a) Hakewill.
(b) Lawford.
(c) Rao.
(d) Gudin.

14. Of what are the British officers certain?
(a) That artillery will harm more civilians than soldiers.
(b) That Lawford is loyal.
(c) That Sharpe will probably be killed in the battle anyway.
(d) That the outer walls will be breached.

15. What are Tippoo's primary defenses?
(a) Lancers.
(b) Cannons mounted on the city walls.
(c) Pikemen.
(d) Sharpshooters.

Short Answer Questions

1. About how many troops does Tippoo have?

2. What would happen if all the rockets went off at once?

3. Why are the Forlorn Hopes so named?

4. What is Sharpe ordered to do after reaching the British?

5. About what does General Rao question Mary?

(see the answer keys)

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