Sharpe's Skirmish Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Skirmish Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does the French commander summon?
(a) Ducos.
(b) The Dragoons.
(c) His artillery.
(d) Paillertie.

2. Who makes a suggestion to Sharpe to help him in his strategic plans?
(a) Harper.
(b) Tubbs.
(c) Teresa.
(d) MacKeon.

3. What does Sharpe order the redcoats to do?
(a) Flank the dragoons.
(b) Retreat to the back side of the fort.
(c) Fire at the charging lancers.
(d) Flank the lancers.

4. Why is Sharpe in a quandary?
(a) He does not know how many French he has to fight.
(b) He is unsure whether to deploy his cavalry against the heavy French cavalry.
(c) He does not know if he should give up the bridge and find a more defensible position.
(d) He does not not the best way to defend against the large French force.

5. What does Tubbs say about Sharpe being an officer?
(a) He may be an officer, but he's no gentleman.
(b) He is the finest there is.
(c) He was brought up through the ranks.
(d) He acts more like a noble than many nobles.

6. What confounds Sharpe as he and his men take the bridge?
(a) The village attacking Sharpe and his men.
(b) The village up in arms against the French.
(c) Herault's men marching towards them.
(d) Teresa running towards him from the French lines.

7. Why does Teresa go to Salamanca?
(a) To move her sick father.
(b) To find the rest of the rebels.
(c) To request reinforcements.
(d) To find her child.

8. What looks like a makeshift caltrops?
(a) The pieces of melted metal from the muskets.
(b) Nothing; they have no caltrops or anything that resembles these.
(c) The fence baling wire struck out on the bridge.
(d) The broken wine bottles.

9. What does Pailleterie hope about San Miguel?
(a) That he can take San Miguel without any loss of life.
(b) That they will be able to flank it undetected.
(c) That it is unguarded.
(d) That it will surrender without a fight.

10. What has Pailleterie given his men before?
(a) Free license to kill and loot.
(b) A commendation.
(c) Victory.
(d) A pay bonus after victory.

11. What orders does the French commander give to the men he summons?
(a) To silence the riflemen.
(b) To go get the fire out at the fort.
(c) To ford the river and flank the riflemen.
(d) To go in and capture Sharpe.

12. What does Sharpe see is lost?
(a) The town of San Miguel.
(b) The farmhouse where Harper is hiding.
(c) The fort.
(d) The bridge.

13. Why has Sharpe made everyone else nervous?
(a) Because they think he knows more than they do about an impending attack.
(b) Because he is jumpy himself.
(c) Because he is angry about the wine Harper saved.
(d) No one but Sharpe is jumpy.

14. How is a barricade created to help the British?
(a) The wagon is finally retrieved from the river.
(b) The gate timbers.
(c) They no longer need a barricade.
(d) The pile of dead horses.

15. Why doesn't Ensign Hickey negotiate with the French?
(a) He is badly wounded but will recover.
(b) His rank is too low.
(c) He does not speak French.
(d) He is dead.

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes a recovery of the situation at San Miguel possible for Sharpe?

2. Who does Sharpe first talk to at the fort?

3. What is Teresa doing as Price's men fire their rifles?

4. How is Sharpe feeling at the coming of the dawn?

5. What is a four-pointed star of metal spikes that disables horses?

(see the answer keys)

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