Sharpe's Skirmish Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Skirmish Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Lieutenant Price?
(a) A corrupt commisary officer.
(b) An officer under Sharpe's command.
(c) A British officer turned traitor.
(d) An officer under Major Tubbs' command.

2. What does the narrator say in the introduction about the first version of "Sharpe's Skirmish"?
(a) He does not say anything about a first version.
(b) It had a number of inaccuracies.
(c) It was obvious that it was written in haste.
(d) It was quite superb for the amount of time spent on it.

3. Where does Ducos want to force the British?
(a) To the Portuguese border.
(b) To Holland.
(c) Into the Atlantic.
(d) To the Pyrenees.

4. What does Teresa suggest Sharpe have Hickey do?
(a) Write a request for reinforcements.
(b) Send out scouts towards Avila.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Retreat with the civilians since he is wounded.

5. What does Sharpe have Harper do?
(a) Try to stall Teresa and her men from leaving.
(b) Set up Tubb's oxcart on the bridge.
(c) Have Harper's men dig trenches on the far side of the bridge.
(d) Take some men to help the Duke of Wellington.

6. Why does Napoleon send Ducos to Spain?
(a) To report about the possible treaty the King of Spain is negotiating with the English.
(b) To get Ducos away from Ducos' support base.
(c) The French armies are losing there.
(d) To take command of the Spanihs forces.

7. What is Herault assigned to capture?
(a) The bridge at Santos Carmo.
(b) The bridge at San Miguel de Tormes.
(c) The fort at Santos Carmo.
(d) The fort at Brazilios.

8. How many men does Soult send North?
(a) 60,000.
(b) 6,000.
(c) 12,000.
(d) 26,000.

9. What does Hickey ask Teresa?
(a) If she really fights the French.
(b) Why in the world she would want to marry someone like Sharpe.
(c) If she is really Napoleon's third cousin.
(d) If she is really the King of Spain's niece.

10. Where does Sharpe send Harper and twenty riflemen?
(a) To protect the musket cache.
(b) To protect the bridge.
(c) To a nearby farm.
(d) To take a message to Wellington.

11. Who has accompanied Sharpe to the fort?
(a) His wife.
(b) His nephew who wants to join the Army.
(c) His mistress.
(d) His light company.

12. Why does Sharpe order this disposal?
(a) Because he does not believe in poisoning wells as a tactic of war.
(b) Because he is afraid the men will get ill with moldy wheat.
(c) Because the war has not yet been won.
(d) He is afraid to use the rounds in case they explode inside the cannon barrels.

13. Why doesn't Sharpe want to do what Major Tubbs suggests?
(a) Sharpe does not want to raise the alarm falsely.
(b) Sharpe does not trust Major Tubbs.
(c) Sharpe does not think the French will harm the peasants and they'd be in the way inside the fort.
(d) Sharpe wants to keep Teresa where he can protect her.

14. What does Harper admit to Sharpe?
(a) He has always been in love with Teresa.
(b) He may not have smashed as much as the wine as Sharpe ordered.
(c) He is getting out of the Army as soon as Napoleon is defeated.
(d) He is getting married when he returns to England.

15. What does Sharpe notice about the fort?
(a) It is quite stalwart.
(b) It is old and fragile.
(c) It should be torn down.
(d) It needs a few patches but is generally stout.

Short Answer Questions

1. From what is Sharpe recovering?

2. Where does Herault think the biggest danger to his men lies?

3. What does Ducos lack?

4. What is one thing that makes Tubbs happy about their arrival at this fort?

5. What does Harper tell Sharpe about Tubbs?

(see the answer keys)

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