Sharpe's Skirmish Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Skirmish Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 6: page 57-63.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sharpe suggest to Teresa?
(a) To stay in Madrid for a couple weeks.
(b) To stay in Salamanca for a couple weeks.
(c) To bring their daughter to San Miguel for a week.
(d) To stay in Avila for a couple weeks.

2. What is the most dangerous time for soldiers on alert?
(a) Noon when they can't see shadows.
(b) Dawn when it is still hazy.
(c) Late afternoon when the sun is from the west.
(d) All times are dangerous.

3. What will add a page to Soult's page of glory?
(a) Giving Maront help.
(b) Being given command of the Dragoons.
(c) Capturing Duke of Wellington.
(d) Being given command of the combined French and Spanish armies.

4. What does the French commander decide to try to do to Sharpe's men?
(a) Kill them with his pikemen.
(b) Push them into the river.
(c) Lead them into an ambush.
(d) Thin them out.

5. For what does Sharpe know he will be blamed?
(a) The disruption to the British supply lines.
(b) The capture of Major Tubbs.
(c) The loss of so many men.
(d) The loss of the muskets.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one thing that makes Tubbs happy about their arrival at this fort?

2. What makes a recovery of the situation at San Miguel possible for Sharpe?

3. What does Ducos plan to recommend to Napoleon?

4. What men does Sharpe have left to fight?

5. What does Pailleterie hope about San Miguel?

(see the answer key)

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