Sharpe's Siege: Richard Sharpe and the Winter Campaign, 1814 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Siege: Richard Sharpe and the Winter Campaign, 1814 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of time do the rifle companies make marching?
(a) Methodical, neither slow nor fast.
(b) They run a a fast sprint the entire ten miles.
(c) Slow.
(d) Extremely good time.

2. Why isn't Richard Sharpe's rank confirmed?
(a) He doesn't want promoted.
(b) He was drunk on duty.
(c) It is in dispute.
(d) It hasn't reached the proper channels.

3. What do Sharpe's superiors do to free him to lead the invasion force?
(a) Transfer all of his men to another unit.
(b) Transfer him from his command.
(c) Demote him.
(d) Court martial him.

4. How does Sharpe feel about hanging men?
(a) Has a great distaste for it.
(b) Enthusiastic.
(c) Believes it's a good way to go.
(d) Indifferent.

5. Where was Sharpe shot during the taking of Teste de Buch?
(a) A graze on his thigh.
(b) Across the forehead.
(c) In his arm.
(d) A graze across the ribs.

6. What closes with Teste de Buch at a given preset hour?
(a) Bampfylde's Marines
(b) Sharpe's companies.
(c) A French man-of-war.
(d) A British frigate.

7. What does Colonel Elphinstone say about Sharpe due to the mission he is assigned?
(a) He is a sacrificial lamb.
(b) He will be promoted immediately.
(c) He is lucky.
(d) He is the best man for the job.

8. Who lands as the Marines march away?
(a) The infantry under Duley.
(b) Sharpe's companies.
(c) Winger's calvery.
(d) No one.

9. Why is Killick worried about Thuella?
(a) It is laid up in disrepair.
(b) He's not worried about it.
(c) It was supposed to be back yesterday.
(d) It has a hole in it.

10. Why does Sharpe do as he is told?
(a) He knows he doesn't have all the facts.
(b) He believes an order is an order.
(c) He would be court martialed.
(d) The ship is left and he has no choice.

11. Why do the British troops stop at the river?
(a) It is a natural barrier.
(b) To fill their water barrels.
(c) To water the horses.
(d) The French are too strong on the other side of the river.

12. Why is the Commodore in charge of Teste de Buch concerned?
(a) The water in the well is bad.
(b) His food supply is almost gone.
(c) His wall is crumbling.
(d) His forces are undermanned.

13. Who is leading the British forces at the beginning of this novel?
(a) Harbringer.
(b) Smith.
(c) Wellington.
(d) Forthoer.

14. In what state are Napoleon's troops at the beginning of this book?
(a) Firm and steady.
(b) Dug in.
(c) Unbalanced.
(d) Scattered.

15. What did Sharpe as the Americans to swear?
(a) Not to engage in hostilities against Britain.
(b) Not to aid the French.
(c) To return to America.
(d) Not to fight in any European war.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Sharpe fear for his troops?

2. Why does Sharpe decline Patrick Harper's volunteering to join the unit?

3. What does Killick say to Sharpe about hanging sailors?

4. On what peninsula has the British forces been fighting?

5. Who does Sharpe visit before leaving on his mission?

(see the answer keys)

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