Sharpe's Rifles: Richard Sharpe and the French Invasion of Galicia, January 1809 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Rifles: Richard Sharpe and the French Invasion of Galicia, January 1809 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why would Vivar not hang the banner in Santiago de Compostela?
(a) The banner is not for hanging; it is for the cavalry.
(b) It is too degraded.
(c) The French have the city.
(d) It is supposed to be hung where the king is.

2. What is the weather like when the troops of Sharpe and Vivar set off?
(a) Cold and rainy.
(b) Hot and dry.
(c) Cold and clear.
(d) Warm and clear.

3. What does Vivar do with Sharpe's wine?
(a) Gives it to the men at the next table.
(b) Hits him over the head with the bottle.
(c) Throws it in his face.
(d) Pours it on the floor.

4. From what do the riflemen have to defend the French prisoners?
(a) The local bandits.
(b) The Spanish volunteers.
(c) The townspeople.
(d) The cazadores.

5. What does Vivar asks Sharpe after the first battle?
(a) If he has seen Louisa.
(b) If the riflemen are leaving now.
(c) Where to lock up the French prisoners.
(d) How long it will take to clear the town of the French.

6. For what does Harper think the volunteers might be good?
(a) Setting fires in the French supplies.
(b) Backing up the riflemen.
(c) Sneaking out the women and children.
(d) Causing riots in the town.

7. What does the French colonel tell Sharpe when he meets him?
(a) Vivar will be arrested for treason.
(b) The French will vacate the palace if allowed to go free.
(c) Louisa is a prisoner.
(d) The British and French have one hour to leave the city.

8. What does Sharpe tell Vivar?
(a) That he must leave the town immediately.
(b) That there are British soldiers outside the city.
(c) That de l'Eclin is outside the city.
(d) That de l'Eclin is in the palace.

9. How many men does Sharpe see outside the city?
(a) About a thousand.
(b) About three hundred.
(c) No more than two hundred.
(d) About five hundred.

10. What does Vivar see when Sharpe removes his shirt?
(a) Nothing, he's not seen Sharpe with his shirt off.
(b) Sharpe's flogging scars.
(c) The large tattoo on Sharpe's back.
(d) Two musket ball scars.

11. Who will supposedly rise again if the banner is unfurled at Santiago de Compostela?
(a) Phillipie.
(b) Vivar's grandfather.
(c) Zorro.
(d) Matamoros.

12. How many days does Sharpe say they can hold Santiago de Compostela?
(a) One day.
(b) Two days.
(c) Three days.
(d) Five days.

13. What tactic does Sharpe want to use to attack Santiago de Compostela?
(a) Burning the village.
(b) Caltrops and a battering ram.
(c) Sneaking into the palace and setting mines.
(d) Surprise.

14. Why will the riflemen attack with their rifles empty?
(a) To prevent accidental discharge.
(b) To keep their musket balls dry.
(c) To keep from shooting each other.
(d) To keep their powder dry.

15. What does Sharpe notice around the outside of the city?
(a) Vivar's cazadores.
(b) A number of the Spanish volunteers.
(c) A line of cavalry.
(d) The British have surrounded the city.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Sharpe see outside the city?

2. Who will lead the attack?

3. What does the French colonel say about Louisa?

4. Who joins into the fight in the town?

5. What news do local bandits bring to Vivar?

(see the answer keys)

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