Sharpe's Revenge: Richard Sharpe and the Peace of 1814 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Revenge: Richard Sharpe and the Peace of 1814 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Sharpe and his group do while the French are firing on Ducos' estate?
(a) Take out the perimeter guard.
(b) Penetrate deep into the building.
(c) Watch from a hill above the estate.
(d) Attack the Cardinal's men.

2. With whom does Calvet meet in Naples?
(a) Ducos.
(b) A priest.
(c) The local authorities.
(d) The Earl of Naples.

3. What are the similarities between Jane and Sharpe's new lovers?
(a) They are both well educated and rich.
(b) They are both French.
(c) They are both destitute but titled.
(d) They both are very wealthy.

4. What do Ducos's defensive preparations at his location say?
(a) He likes to be prepared.
(b) He does not feel any danger.
(c) He knows how competent Sharpe is.
(d) He is protecting the Cardinal.

5. For what does most of London society admire Rossendale?
(a) For his connections.
(b) For being handsome and charming.
(c) For his bravery in being with Jane.
(d) For his education.

6. How do Lucille and Sharpe feel towards each other by the end of Chapter 11?
(a) They are fond of each other.
(b) They're indifferent to each other.
(c) They detest each other.
(d) They are irritated with each other.

7. What type of cannon does Ducos purchase for his location?
(a) A double barrel.
(b) A grasshopper.
(c) An eight pounder.
(d) A split shot multiball.

8. Where do Sharpe and the others have to go to get into Ducos' room?
(a) The attic.
(b) The stream in the garden.
(c) The room next door.
(d) The basement.

9. Into what has Ducos converted most of Napoleon's fortune?
(a) Gemstones.
(b) Gold.
(c) Silver.
(d) English pounds.

10. Where does Ducos remain in Chapter 12?
(a) In Paris, hiding.
(b) In his fortified estate.
(c) At the Church in Naples.
(d) Hiding in London.

11. What is ironic about Lucille turning down Frederickson's proposal?
(a) She had liked him so much when they had first met.
(b) She had flirted with him the first month he had been at her house.
(c) He had harped on matrimony as being futile.
(d) She had hated Sharpe when she had first met him.

12. What is Ducos' punishment?
(a) Paying back twice what he stole.
(b) Exile from France.
(c) Twenty years in prison.
(d) Being shot dead.

13. What have the Neapolitan forces done while Sharpe and the others capture Ducos?
(a) Blasted out the basement.
(b) Blasted out the attic.
(c) Surrounded the villa.
(d) Set fire to the villa.

14. Why do Sharpe, Frederickson, and Harper go to the Kingdom of Naples?
(a) For a vacation after the war.
(b) To reconnoiter Ducos' estate.
(c) To see General Calvet.
(d) To meet with Roland.

15. What does Sharpe's group plan to do?
(a) Take the Cardinal as hostage.
(b) Kill Calvet.
(c) Wait for Calvet to get the money.
(d) Stealthily invade Ducos' estate.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Cardinal plan to do about Calvet?

2. What news does Sharpe hear from Harper after Harper sees Jane?

3. What are Rossendale's nights like for him?

4. What type of work does Ducos do for France?

5. What does Roland send to the exiled Napoleon?

(see the answer keys)

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