Sharpe's Regiment Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Regiment Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Sharpe feel about Simmerson's treatment of Jane?

2. What about Sharpe enables him to be successful in his plans at Foulness?

3. Why does Lawford feel an obligation to Sharpe?

4. What do Anne and Sharpe do after she tells him about Lawford?

5. What is the first action Sharpe takes upon assuming command at Foulness?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Sharpe and Harper hear about when they return to London?

2. What does Jane volunteer to do and what does Sharpe give her and ask her?

3. What does Havercamp tell Sharpe when questioned about his involvement in the recruiting scheme and what does he promise?

4. What does Sharpe decide to do after speaking with Anne?

5. What do Sharpe and his group do after Girdwood runs?

6. How does Jane's mission to obtain the accounting books turn out and how does she feel?

7. How does Sharpe reorganize the command structure at Foulness?

8. What does Anne tell Sharpe and how does Sharpe feel about her information?

9. What does Sharpe do when Girdwood runs?

10. What does Sharpe do with the men at Foulness after he sets up the new command structure?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss one of the following:

1. Trace and analyze one major theme of Sharpe's Regiment. Consider the following: How does one character's actions portray the theme you are analyzing? How does the setting contribute to that theme? Is the theme one that you would call a "universal theme"? If so, what other book or novel that you have read also includes this theme. If not, why don't you think it is a "universal" theme?

2. Trace and analyze two secondary themes of Sharpe's Regiment. How does one character's actions portray the themes you are analyzing? How does the setting contribute to those themes? Is each theme one that you would call a "universal theme"? If so, what other book or novel that you have read also includes this theme? If not, why don't you think it is a "universal" theme?

3. What benefit is there in discussing and analyzing the themes of a work of fiction? Do you think most authors consciously develop themes in their works? Why or why not? Can there be accidental themes? What do you think is one possible "accidental" theme in Sharpe's Regiment? Which theme in Sharpe's Regiment speaks to you the most in your life? Why?

Essay Topic 2

Sharpe becomes entangled with Anne Camoynes in a sexual liaison and fails to question her motives for so engaging him. Anne indeed works as a spy and agent for Fenner and gathers information about Sharpe during their sexual escapade.

1. Why do you think Sharpe doesn't question Anne's motives in becoming involved with him? Use examples from the text and your own experience to support your answer.

2. It seems that to make Sharpe not question or see Anne's motives is a stretch of credibility. He was raised basically on the streets and has been in the military for many years. Discuss what you believe are the reasons a reader might believe Sharpe could be that gullible. Do you think the author should have addressed this weakness? Use examples from the text and your own experience to support your answer.

3. Anne hates Fenner yet reports to him Sharpe's stance on the second battalion and on his determination to pursue the issue. Discuss the conflicts in Anne's character and the lack of congruence between her emotions and her behavior. Use examples from the text and your own experience to support your answer.

Essay Topic 3

Most of the entire series of novels concerning Richard Sharpe takes place during the Napoleonic Wars; therefore, understanding the political and social situation during that time helps to a greater understanding and appreciation of this book and others in the series. Discuss one of the following:

1. Research and write an expository essay about how the Napoleonic Wars begin and end.

2. Research and write an expository essay about the battles that take place on land between Britain and France during the Napoleonic Wars.

3. Compare/contrast the importance of the British infantry during the Napoleonic Wars to the importance of the British infantry during either WWI or WWII.

4. Write an expository essay on how the Napoleonic War affects the social culture of one of the following countries: Britain, France, or Germany.

(see the answer keys)

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