Sharpe's Regiment Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Regiment Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Anne want for her son?
(a) To have an heir.
(b) To enter the military as an officer.
(c) To be established in society.
(d) To marry a duchess.

2. What happens to Girdwood after the assault?
(a) Nothing happens to him.
(b) He is driven insane.
(c) He receives a commendation.
(d) He sent back to London.

3. Why is Sharpe going to march the men to the location in Question #148?
(a) To teach the men how to march in unison.
(b) It is the proper training location.
(c) They need the exercise.
(d) To get the men away from Simmerson.

4. What do Fenner and Simmerson decide about Sharpe and stopping him?
(a) They will frame him for murder.
(b) He needs to be killed.
(c) He is too public to attempt assassination.
(d) They need to make him resign.

5. What will happen to Jane Gibbons?
(a) She will marry Sharpe.
(b) She will be given Simmerson's country home.
(c) She will be released to her own recognizance.
(d) She will be given five thousand pounds.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jane promise Sharpe?

2. What does the first battalion's victory do for the English?

3. What does Havercamp say is his take of the recruiting scheme?

4. How does Sharpe feel about Simmerson's treatment of Jane?

5. What do Jane and Sharpe do when they encounter each other at Simmerson's estate?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Havercamp tell Sharpe when questioned about his involvement in the recruiting scheme and what does he promise?

2. What does Fenner do when Anne confronts him about Sharpe's arrest?

3. What does Sharpe requests happen to Girdwood and what does Fenner get out of the deal?

4. What do Sharpe and Harper hear about when they return to London?

5. What does Anne do about Sharpe being arrested?

6. What does Sharpe decide to do in London and when that was unsuccessful what does he end up doing?

7. What does Simmerson do with the recruiting scheme accounting books and how does Fenner react?

8. What does Jane volunteer to do and what does Sharpe give her and ask her?

9. What does Anne tell Sharpe about her and Fenner's relationship?

10. What does Sharpe do with the command structure at Foulness and what does he do with Girdwood?

(see the answer keys)

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