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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What do Harper and Sharpe do later that night?
(a) Go pay a visit to Lord Fenner.
(b) Leave the city.
(c) Sleep off their liquor.
(d) Go looking for who hired the men that followed Sharpe.
2. Who are Dick Vaughn and Paddy O'Keefe?
(a) Two men who refuse to sign up at the last moment.
(b) Two corporals with the recruiter.
(c) The aliases Sharpe and Harper assume as recruits.
(d) Two highway brigands who try to accost Harper and Sharpe.
3. What does a day's worth of recruiting yield?
(a) 3 men.
(b) 6 men.
(c) 1 man.
(d) 12 men.
4. What does Nairn suggest that outrages Sharpe?
(a) That Sharpe's men be given early releases and the unit disbanded.
(b) That Sharpe's men were playing it safe in the last battle.
(c) That Sharpe become a spy in Paris.
(d) That the men of the first battalion be dispersed.
5. Where does Harper and Sharpe go?
(a) To kill Lynch.
(b) To see Simmerson.
(c) Away from the camp.
(d) To kill Girdwood.
6. Where do the men head eventually?
(a) Eaton.
(b) Essex.
(c) Charline.
(d) France.
7. Why does Sharpe note about the medical certification of the recruits?
(a) It is not done by a magistrate.
(b) It is not done by the recruiting doctor, but rather by his assistant.
(c) It is very lax.
(d) It is very rigorous.
8. What does Nairn think Sharpe should do?
(a) Investigate the second battalion.
(b) Accept a position as army liaision to Admiral Nelson.
(c) Accept a position as aide de camp to Wellington.
(d) Retire.
9. What seems likely about Sharpe and Jane?
(a) They have been lovers.
(b) They feel strong affection for each other.
(c) They are like oil and water.
(d) They come from similar backgrounds.
10. What does Sharpe think of the recent battle?
(a) It gives them a great advantage over the French.
(b) It was essential to winning the war against Napoleon.
(c) It is strategically insignificant and tactically pointless.
(d) Sharpe express no opinion about it.
11. Why are Sharpe and Harper visiting small English towns?
(a) So they won't be recognized.
(b) To check their defenses in case Napoleon carries out his threatened invasion.
(c) Trying to recruit for the 1st battalion.
(d) Looking for the 2nd battalion recruiters.
12. Who is summoned to account for the missing battalion recruits?
(a) No one.
(b) Girdwood.
(c) Harper.
(d) Lord Fenner.
13. What does one of the men following Sharpe tell him?
(a) That he was supposed to just follow Sharpe.
(b) That he was hired by a soldier to kill Sharpe.
(c) That he was hired by Sharpe's ex-wife to kill him.
(d) The man refuses to talk.
14. With whom do Harper and Shapre meet up?
(a) Lord Fenner.
(b) Maggie Joyce.
(c) Sergeant Horatio Havercamp.
(d) Paddy O'Keefe.
15. In what are the men on the island initially drilled?
(a) Parade and marching.
(b) Sapper work.
(c) Artillery.
(d) Rifles and bayonets.
Short Answer Questions
1. How does Jane react?
2. What does Harper do?
3. What is the recruiter like who they encounter?
4. What accompanies the work parties that go off the island?
5. What does Harper and Sharpe deposit with official agents?
This section contains 531 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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