Sharpe's Prey: Richard Sharpe and the Expedition to Copenhagen, 1807 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Prey: Richard Sharpe and the Expedition to Copenhagen, 1807 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lavisser tell Sharpe and Barker to do once that have made landfall?
(a) Get some rest.
(b) Hide in the dunes.
(c) Wait for him.
(d) Guard the chest.

2. What do the British fear about what may happen in Denmark?
(a) The Danes may start privateering for the French.
(b) The French may try to seize the Danish naval fleet.
(c) The Danes may fall to Napoleon's forces.
(d) The French may start recruiting Danes.

3. Who brandishes a knife at Sharpe?
(a) A dog owner.
(b) A childhood friend.
(c) A young woman.
(d) A drunken sailor.

4. What is approaching the Danish shore?
(a) French ships.
(b) British ships.
(c) Russian ships.
(d) American ships.

5. What does Baird do when Sharpe starts to cry?
(a) Slaps him.
(b) Tells him to stop.
(c) Pats him on the shoulder to console him.
(d) Gives him a whiskey.

6. What does Baird want Sharpe to do?
(a) Go to Copenhagen with a British agent and protect the agent.
(b) Spy on another captain suspected of treason.
(c) Go to India on an espionage mission.
(d) Take two weeks leave and think over his desire to leave the army.

7. Where does Lavisser invite Willsen?
(a) To a play.
(b) To dinner.
(c) To the opera.
(d) To the docks to see his new cutter.

8. How does Sharpe throw off Hocking's bodyguards in the hallway?
(a) By yelling and pretending to be Hocking.
(b) By shooting the lights out.
(c) By throwing a lit piece of dynamite in the hall.
(d) By releasing a badger in the hall.

9. Where does Sharpre meet Aksel Bang?
(a) A pub.
(b) Skovaard's house.
(c) Lavisser's house.
(d) Skovaard's warehouse.

10. What does Sharpe realize about Lavisser?
(a) Lavisser does not know that Barker is the traitor.
(b) Lavisser is a French agent.
(c) Lavisser is being duped by the Danes.
(d) Lavisser intended to kill Sharpe all along.

11. What do Lavisser and a woman do as Sharpe comes into the room where they are torturing Skovaard?
(a) Jump out the window.
(b) Yell for more of their guards.
(c) Charge Sharpe.
(d) Take Astrid as hostage.

12. What ship will the men take?
(a) The HMS Sprite.
(b) The Cleopatra.
(c) The Essex.
(d) The HMS Surprise.

13. Where does Sharpe find his pack and coat?
(a) He doesn't find them.
(b) In the cellar.
(c) In Lavisser's guest room.
(d) In Skovaard's study.

14. What does Captain Dunnett say is the penalty for stealing from the Danes?
(a) Death.
(b) Twenty lashes.
(c) Reduction in rank and 20 years hard labour.
(d) Life in prison.

15. What happens on Friday night in the slums where Sharpe is?
(a) The street cleaners go through the area very quickly but not thoroughly.
(b) The King's men round up several criminals to make it look like they are cleaning up the area.
(c) Tenants bring their rent to Hocking.
(d) Most men get drunk.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the British hope to convince the Danish Crown Prince to do?

2. What does Sharpe's former friend say about Hocking?

3. Who does Hocking think Sharpe is?

4. Where does Sharpe go after killing Hocking?

5. What does Sharpe tell Hocking before Sharpe kills the man?

(see the answer keys)

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