Sharpe's Honour: Richard Sharpe and the Vitoria Campaign, February to June, 1813 Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Honour: Richard Sharpe and the Vitoria Campaign, February to June, 1813 Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How can La Marquesa regain her wealth?
(a) By Sharpe killing Ducos.
(b) By Sharpe getting word to Wellington.
(c) By Montbrun being killed.
(d) By Sharpe killing the Duke of Wellington.

2. What does Helene claim to Sharpe about the letter she wrote?
(a) She had a gun to her head.
(b) She didn't know it would get him in trouble.
(c) She wanted him to get arrested.
(d) She didn't write it.

3. How will it help the Spanish king if Sharpe gets word to Wellington?
(a) It will harm the Spanish king.
(b) The king's family will no longer be in danger.
(c) The king will be released.
(d) The king will not be blamed for breaking the treaty.

4. Where do Sharpe and Helene stop?
(a) In the forest at a hunting lodge.
(b) At a friend of Helene's house.
(c) At a small inn.
(d) In a large city at a hostel.

5. What does Sharpe decide to do about the cavalryman's actions??
(a) Not wake him up.
(b) Hit the man over the head.
(c) Not sound an alarm.
(d) Show him how to clean his rifle properly.

Short Answer Questions

1. What village does the Fifth Division invade?

2. Why does Sharpe remain a guarded prisoner?

3. From where does Saumier think Wellington will attack?

4. What does La Marquesa do when French gunfire begins?

5. Why is Ducos happy as he flees?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do Sharpe and Patrick return to La Marquesa's wagons, what does Sharpe see and what does he do?

2. In what shape is Sharpe at the beginning of Chapter Sixteen and what does he think about?

3. What does the Fifth Division do in the battle of Vitoria and what happens to Leroy?

4. How does Sharpe escape from Verigny?

5. Why do Sharpe and La Marquesa stop at an inn and what does Sharpe do about it?

6. How, according to Helene could Sharpe break parole and maintain his honor? What does he think is the reason she is pushing him? What does he do after she leaves him?

7. How do the French feel before the battle of Vitoria?

8. What does Hogan learn about the explosion, what does he think and what is the Spanish family doing with him?

9. Who does Sharpe think of when leading the troops and what does he do with the troops?

10. What do the British cavalry do at Vitoria and how does Jourdan respond? What does Jourdan think of the French prospects at Vitoria?

(see the answer keys)

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