Sharpe's Enemy: Richard Sharpe and the Defense of Portugal, Christmas 1812 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Enemy: Richard Sharpe and the Defense of Portugal, Christmas 1812 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sharpe insist on with Farthingdale?
(a) That he assume command of the war council.
(b) That he leave for the British base immediately.
(c) That only he surreder to the French.
(d) A private conversation.

2. What does Farthingdale do when he comes outside?
(a) Introduces himself to Dubreton's wife.
(b) Introduces Josefina as his wife.
(c) Sits down for tea.
(d) Assumes command.

3. What does Sharpe hope to do after the first French attack?
(a) Get a message out for reinforcements.
(b) Set up a counter attack.
(c) Delay another attack for at least 48 hours.
(d) Be able to quietly send troops behind the French.

4. What does the French do the day after the convent is destroyed?
(a) They ask for a parley.
(b) They begin a coordinated attack.
(c) They request a truce to remove bodies.
(d) They begin to throw fire bombs onto the castle.

5. For what does Sharpe plan to use the trench in front of the castle?
(a) His rocket artillery.
(b) To fill with burning oil.
(c) To stop the French infantry long enough to kill them with an avalanche.
(d) To stop the French cavalry.

6. What does Sharpe do with the newly arrived unit?
(a) Send them to the village.
(b) Conceal them in the convent.
(c) Keep them outside the south gate.
(d) Put them in the castle central yard.

7. On the day after Christmas how do the convent and the castle appear to the French?
(a) Deserted.
(b) Fortified.
(c) On fire.
(d) Full.

8. Who is recovered by the French and handed over to the British?
(a) Hakeswill.
(b) Hogan.
(c) No one.
(d) Josefina.

9. How does Sharpe feel when he sees Teresa's body?
(a) Relieved.
(b) Sad.
(c) Indifferent.
(d) Horrofied.

10. Why isn't Frederickson's fire on the advancing column effective?
(a) His riflemen are poor shots.
(b) They don't have enough bullets.
(c) The column is too large.
(d) The French block the bullets with shields.

11. What is Hakeswill doing during the battles?
(a) He is not there he has already escaped.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Trying to get Sharpe to let him fight.
(d) Planning his escape.

12. What part of the castle did Frederickson command?
(a) The watchtower.
(b) The north walls.
(c) The courtyard.
(d) The main gatehouse.

13. What does Sharpe realize as he waits for the attack of the French after the convent is destroyed?
(a) He can still win this battle.
(b) He needs to withdraw his forces.
(c) He will fail to delay the French much longer.
(d) He should surrender.

14. What does Sharpe arrange for on the day after Christmas?
(a) Dinner for the enlisted soldiers.
(b) A fake withdrawal.
(c) Sending the rocket arillery back to the base.
(d) A parley with the French.

15. In Chapter 22 what kind of French force advances on the castle?
(a) The cavalry.
(b) The French dragoons.
(c) A small reconnoiter force.
(d) A French column of thousands of men.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Farthingdale feel about the French's intentions?

2. What is the name of Sharpe's daughter?

3. Who was Sharpe's mother?

4. What happens after the French are repulsed from the castle the first time?

5. What has Sharpe lost after the initial French advance?

(see the answer keys)

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