Sharpe's Company: Richard Sharpe and the Siege of Badajoz, January to April 1812 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Company: Richard Sharpe and the Siege of Badajoz, January to April 1812 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the British soldiers doing in Ciudad Rodrigo after they enter it?
(a) Noting.
(b) Burning it.
(c) Taking French prisoners.
(d) Pillaging it.

2. What is presumed about the British and taking Badajoz?
(a) They will take it but lose three quarters of their men.
(b) They will win.
(c) They will take six months to break Badajoz.
(d) They will lose.

3. Who is with Teresa in the tavern?
(a) A friend, Sharpe's rival.
(b) Her parents.
(c) Her brother.
(d) Her guerrilla fighters.

4. What does Sharpe realize about Rymer in Chapter 8?
(a) He is well trained.
(b) He is an experienced veteran.
(c) He will replace Sharpe as company commander.
(d) He is ignorant about war.

5. What nationality is Harper?
(a) Irish.
(b) British.
(c) Spanish.
(d) Scottish.

6. How does Lawford appear when Sharpe comes upon him while going into the city?
(a) He has a minor injury.
(b) He has a cut on his head that is bleeding.
(c) Mangled.
(d) He is dead.

7. What was Hakeswill charged with when he was young?
(a) Murder.
(b) Stealing.
(c) Arson.
(d) Sexual assault.

8. Why is Sharpe worried about his status with his company?
(a) He won't be allowed to retain command.
(b) He will be sent to another company as a captain.
(c) He has angered the men.
(d) Some of the men think he's a thief.

9. What would the capture of Badajoz do for the British?
(a) Put them on a navigable river.
(b) Give them access to Paris.
(c) Double the British supplies.
(d) Open up the Spanish frontier.

10. Who is the father of Teresa's child?
(a) Her husband, Antonio.
(b) Sharpe.
(c) A French soldier who raped her.
(d) Hogan.

11. What does Teresa ask Sharpe about herself?
(a) If she has become a murderer.
(b) If she is still attractive to him.
(c) If he would want someone like her for a wife.
(d) If she is different in appearance.

12. What has stalled Sharpe's promotion?
(a) Paperwork and irregularities.
(b) A general who hates him.
(c) His marriage to a foreign national.
(d) His lack of funds.

13. What does Hogan think about the comparison between Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz?
(a) Badajoz will be easier.
(b) He doesn't compare the two.
(c) Badajoz will be about the same.
(d) Badajoz will be much worse.

14. What does Hogan say Teresa is still doing?
(a) Running a bed and breakfast.
(b) Prostitution.
(c) Guerrilla warfare.
(d) Sewing military uniforms.

15. Who does Leroy tell Sharpe will be arriving soon?
(a) Major Pointer.
(b) Harper.
(c) The new battalion commander.
(d) A new aide -de-camp.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hakeswill do when Teresa enters the stables?

2. What is Sharpe's relationship to the man in question # 65?

3. When did Hakeswill join the army?

4. Who is Ensign Matthews?

5. What does Teresa do to Hakeswill?

(see the answer keys)

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