Sharpe's Christmas Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Christmas Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Cornwell say that characters sometimes do?
(a) Die when it seems unnecessary.
(b) Take a life of their own.
(c) Evolve into someone different.
(d) Live long, peaceful lives after intense fighting as young adults.

2. What attack is the French army attempting to repel?
(a) The British attack near Waterloo.
(b) It does not specify.
(c) The British attack on Seringapatam.
(d) The Dutch attack on Gibraltar.

3. To what does Caillou object?
(a) Gudin leaving the Eagle.
(b) Women and children coming along with the French army.
(c) Gudin commanding the forces.
(d) Sharpe going undercover.

4. Where is a French garrison located?
(a) The Fort at Ochagavia.
(b) The Fort near Timcumpki.
(c) Somewhere north of Sharpe's men.
(d) Isle de France.

5. What does Sharpe look for when he walks north?
(a) Spanish spies.
(b) A woman who ran off with his pistol.
(c) Rabbits.
(d) Frogs.

6. Why did Sharpe go to France in Sharp's Ransom?
(a) To find his daughter.
(b) Because of a woman.
(c) To take revenge on a sadistic French Captain.
(d) To find his half brother.

7. Who has sent for Sharpe?
(a) King George.
(b) Colonel Gudin.
(c) Colonel Hogan.
(d) His wife.

8. What war in 1799 is the context of "Sharpe's Christmas"?
(a) The War of the Roses.
(b) The Battle of Waterloo.
(c) The Mysore War.
(d) The Boxer Rebellion.

9. What has Sharpe found south of the village?
(a) A place where his battalion can stop the escaping French.
(b) A pile of French muskets.
(c) A young goat.
(d) A young child wandering around.

10. At what does Caillou fume?
(a) Gudin's delay.
(b) The wine was lost.
(c) Gudin calls a halt early in the day.
(d) It is Christmas, and they are not home in France.

11. Why does Sharpe have his men stationed fifty paces back from the frontier?
(a) The French cannot see them.
(b) The sun will not be in their eyes.
(c) The French have to march around them.
(d) They can take advantage of a bluff.

12. Where does Picard send the voltiguers?
(a) To the vanguard.
(b) To the west to circle back around Irati.
(c) To the rear as reserves.
(d) To the slopes where the riflemen are hidden.

13. Why won't Gudin ride his horse?
(a) The horse is lame.
(b) The horse is ill.
(c) His lieutenant is ill and riding the horse.
(d) The horse is in an advanced stage of pregnancy.

14. What does Sharpe command?
(a) A squad of specialized sharpshooters.
(b) A battalion of redcoats.
(c) A company of reservists.
(d) No one at the moment.

15. Who is Ensign Nicholls?
(a) The man who is in love with Sharpe's cousin.
(b) The man who insists on a court martial for Harper.
(c) The man who knocks Sharpe over the head.
(d) The man who interrupts the argument.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what is Colonel Gudin's career full?

2. What does Picard tell Santon about Gudin?

3. How long has Colonel Jean Gudin been in his present command?

4. What does Picard believe about himself?

5. What does Cornwell say he never expected?

(see the answer keys)

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