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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How much notice does Sharpe have that the Portuguese battalion is coming?
2. Why is Sharpe chastising himself about the battle?
3. How can the British defend the barracks?
4. What does Sharpe suggest Donaju do about the rumors?
5. What does Sharpe leave on the ridge when he orders his men into the village?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Sharpe suggest Donaju do about the problem with the troops?
2. What does Kiely tell Sharpe about the French and about his men?
3. How does Juanita first see Loup, what is her impression and how do Loup and her feel when they meet?
4. How does the Portuguese battalion arrive, with whom does Sharpe meet, what kind of man is he and why is the battalion there?
5. What are called the keys to Spain by the French and who holds them?
6. What does Sharpe asks El Castrador about the village where Loup is and who goes there with Sharpe?
7. What information about the Royal Guard is Hogan and Wellington not aware?
8. What does Sharpe ask Runciman to do and why has he asked him instead of the British command?
9. Describe the battle at the barracks when Loup's troops attack.
10. What do Sharpe and his men find in the village when they get there?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Most protagonists are a mixture of admirable traits and character flaws, and Richard Sharpe is no exception. Sharpe's legendary powers of military strategy is juxtaposed with his reputation as a womanzier. Discuss the following:
1. Trace and analyze situations when Sharpe demonstrates his prodigious powers of military strategy. Give specific examples to illustrate your analysis.
2. Trace and analyze Sharpe's character flaws offering specific examples of these flaws in your discussion.
3. Discuss how you think Sharpe's admirable traits helped him obtain a high rank in the military despite his background as a child. Have his flaws impacted his career at all? Do any of those under his command seem to notice these flaws? Who? How does the reader know this?
Essay Topic 2
There are a number of "villains" in Sharpe's Battle. Ducos, Juanita de Elia, Father Sarsfield and Loup.
1. Explain, with examples from the text, what you see are the main motivations behind Pierre Ducos's behavior. If he lived in America today with what crimes do you think he would be charged?
2. Sarsfield is a "villain" who does not seem to be motivated by self-interest. Discuss why or why not you believe this statement to be true. Use examples from Sharpe's Battle to support and illustrate your opinion.
3. Do you think crimes or immoral behavior motivated by good intentions is more pardonable than that motivated by self-interests? Why or why not? Use examples from Sharpe's Battle to support and illustrate your opinion.
Essay Topic 3
At the conclusion of a novel, most readers either consciously or unconsciously engage in processing the book and usually come to a conclusion as to whether they like the book or not. Discuss one of the following:
1. Would you consider Sharpe's Battle a "good" book? Why or why not? Use examples to illustrate your stance.
2. What do you think are the elements of an outstanding novel? Analyze one of your favorite novels to see if those elements are present.
3. What are some reasons you might consider a novel a failure? Analyze a novel you think is a failure and see if those elements are in that novel.
This section contains 1,204 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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