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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does the person in question #130 have to prove?
(a) An English should not be in charge of Spaniards.
(b) That Spain can hold its own against the French.
(c) That Sharpe is a criminal.
(d) That the Spanish soldiers will not obey the English.
2. About what does Sharpe lecture Donaju?
(a) The immorality of suicide.
(b) How important ammunition is in battle.
(c) The men of the Real Compañía Irlandesa not being ready to fight.
(d) A soldier's duty.
3. About what does Donaju complain to Sharpe?
(a) Not being able to attend Kiely's burial.
(b) Having the men's muskets taken from them.
(c) Having to take over command.
(d) Having to guard the ammunition.
4. Why is the open plain a bad place for the British to be?
(a) A fire could annihilate them.
(b) It opens them up to cavalry attacks.
(c) There is no good hiding places.
(d) Artillery can reach them easier.
5. Why has Massena given Loup the orders he gave?
(a) To save his men for the final push.
(b) To give Loup an opportunity for glory.
(c) In hopes that Loup will be killed.
(d) To keep him out of battle.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Hogan tell Wellington about the French forces?
2. What was Hogan's response to Sharpe's comment about Sarsfield?
3. Why does the person in question #130 blame San Isidoro on Sharpe?
4. How would Wellington withdraw if he lost at Almeida?
5. Why are the two soldiers with Tarrant assigned to him?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Sharpe, Runciman, and the Real Compañía Irlandesa get involved in the battle for Fuentes de Onoro?
2. What does Hogan say to Sharpe about letting Juanita go free?
3. What does Loup do when he and his men first arrive at the village and what does he see that makes him disregard his assignment from Massena? What does he disregard his assignment?
4. Who and what does Sharpe find at a house in San Cristobal?
5. Why do the French call a temporary truce and what do two French and British officers do during the truce?
6. What is Valverde's argument about Sharpe?
7. Why is Wellington enraged with Erkins?
8. What does Sharpe persuade Harper to do and why?
9. How are the southern British troops threatened and what do they do about it?
10. How does Sharpe kill Loup and how is Sharpe wounded?
This section contains 1,027 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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