Shame Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shame Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT involved in the coup against Raza Hyder that is prematurely unveiled?

2. For what Western publication does Haroun Harappa write an article detailing his father's illicit behavior in Pakistan?

3. With what phrase does Sufiya Zinobia respond to the bridal advice given to her by her mother on the eve of her wedding?

4. For how many years are Rani and Arjumand imprisoned under house arrest?

5. What does Bilquis claim she is sewing when her husband inquires?

Short Essay Questions

1. For what reason does Naveed Hyder Ulhaq commit suicide?

2. How is the crazed killing spree of Sufiya Zinobia discovered?

3. How do the 18 shawls embroidered by Rani over the six years of home imprisonment depict the life of Iskander Harappa?

4. How does Iskander Harappa finally die?

5. Why does Captain Talvar Ulhaq take great risk to steal Naveed Hyder from her arranged marriage to Haroun Harappa?

6. Why does the Pakistani government intercept and destroy all incoming copies of a particular issue of Newsweek?

7. What change takes place in Iskander Harappa at the age of 40, and why?

8. What becomes of Bilquis in her latter years?

9. How does Raza Hyder restore the morale of the deflated Pakistani army?

10. Describe the final disgrace of Naveed Hyder's marriage to Captain Talvar Ulhaq.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Near the end of the book, Omar's mothers tell him a story about his great-grandfather Hafeezullah and great-grand-uncle Rumi. This story reflexively illuminates another major theme in the story of Shame, the dishonoring of family. In a carefully structured essay, analyze how this story illuminates past events in the book as being dishonorable to one's family. Why do the long-dead brothers treat one another poorly? How is this comparable to the lives of the principal characters in Shame? What does this indicate about Pakistani society as a whole? What is the significance of this sort of behavior to the whole of the story?

Essay Topic 2

Develop a character analysis of Maulana Dawood in an analytical essay on the archetypal religious zealot. In what ways does Maulana Dawood contrast with the rest of the characters in the story? Do his positions and arguments seem reasonable, or are they mere rantings of a fanatic? Are any of Dawood's objections, arguments, or opinions valid even when and if they are not fully reasonable? How do his actions and opinions influence others in the story (consider characters in addition to Raza Hyder)? What is his ultimate significance to the whole of the story?

Essay Topic 3

In a well-structured essay, analyze the actions and motivations of the Shakil Sisters. Although they appear in only a few chapters of the book, they nonetheless play a vital role which shapes events throughout the book. Demonstrate how this is so and what they accomplish. What characters do they influence, and how does that influence further influence other characters? How does everything come full circle to them? In what manner does their life begin, and how does it end? What does the circuity of the story's plot reveal about the Shakil Sisters?

(see the answer keys)

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