Shaking the Nickel Bush Test | Final Test - Easy

Ralph Moody
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shaking the Nickel Bush Test | Final Test - Easy

Ralph Moody
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much money does Ralph collect from the banker as the balance of the payment for the bust?
(a) $15.
(b) $25.
(c) $75.
(d) $100.

2. How much does Ralph spend each week on doctors?
(a) $2.
(b) $10.
(c) $20.
(d) $5.

3. What trouble do the boys have with the car on this day?
(a) The radiator boils over.
(b) A tire is flat.
(c) A fan belt breaks.
(d) The battery dies.

4. What does Ralph do when Lonnie says he is broke in Kansas City?
(a) He tells Lonnie he doesn't have any money to give him.
(b) He gives Lonnie some money.
(c) He tells Lonnie to sell the car.
(d) He tells Lonnie to get a job.

5. How much money does Ralph have hidden in the cuff of the overalls which Lonnie has taken?
(a) $700.
(b) $300.
(c) $1500.
(d) $25.

6. What kind of job does Ralph lead his mother to believe that he has?
(a) Banking.
(b) Auto dealership.
(c) Ranching.
(d) Cleaning.

7. What does Lonnie focus on as Ralph does the majority of the work?
(a) Writing letters home.
(b) Fixing the car.
(c) Looking for ranch jobs.
(d) Preparing the meals.

8. Who is Ralph's sister to whom Ralph sends money?
(a) Joy.
(b) Grace.
(c) Ivy.
(d) Marie.

9. What ingredient is Lonnie unable to get on his trip to town?
(a) Milk.
(b) Cranberries.
(c) Sweet potatoes.
(d) Pecans.

10. Ralph and Lonnie begin making frequent trips to ___________________.
(a) bars.
(b) restaurants.
(c) the movies.
(d) dance halls.

11. Why does Ralph determine that it is best to stay away from big cities?
(a) People try to cheat them.
(b) People are not friendly.
(c) They spend too much money.
(d) They don't work as hard.

12. How much money does Lonnie take out of their funds every night?
(a) $5.
(b) $1.
(c) $10.
(d) $.50.

13. How much money does Ralph send to his sister?
(a) $1000.
(b) $500.
(c) $40.
(d) $20.

14. Which of the following words best describes Ralph?
(a) Haughty.
(b) Vain.
(c) Modest.
(d) Arrogant.

15. What dish does Lonnie ask to have on Christmas?
(a) Chestnuts.
(b) Fruitcake.
(c) Rice pudding.
(d) Sweet potatoes.

Short Answer Questions

1. How often does Ralph have to do the event in #98?

2. What does Lonnie do with his money?

3. How much does Ralph pay Lonnie for each bust?

4. What does Ralph want to buy in Colorado?

5. What idea does the receptionist give to Ralph?

(see the answer keys)

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