Shaking the Nickel Bush Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ralph Moody
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shaking the Nickel Bush Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ralph Moody
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what city does Ralph meet Lonnie?
(a) Santa Fe.
(b) Tucson.
(c) San Jose.
(d) Mesa.

2. What does Ralph eventually buy?
(a) A saddle and chaps.
(b) Two complete outfits.
(c) Two saddles.
(d) A saddle and a horse.

3. What is the job in the town in #20?
(a) Cattle brander.
(b) Stunt man on movie set.
(c) House painter.
(d) Road crew worker.

4. Why is Ralph especially glad to get the movie set job?
(a) He wants to be an actor.
(b) He loves meeting movie stars.
(c) He has his first real meal in days.
(d) He likes working outdoors.

5. How long do the doctors expect that Ralph will live with the disease?
(a) A few weeks.
(b) 2-3 months.
(c) Six months.
(d) Many years.

6. Who helps Lonnie work on the car?
(a) Ol' Joe.
(b) Mr. Larsen.
(c) Ralph.
(d) The mechanic.

7. The conductor tells Ralph that if Ralph ever needs to jump a train again he should jump a _______________ train.
(a) grains.
(b) mail.
(c) passenger.
(d) cattle.

8. Ralph does not want to buy the car because if has flaky paint and __________________.
(a) flat tires.
(b) a broken spring.
(c) a dead battery.
(d) no exhaust pipe.

9. What does the doctor order Ralph to do to recover from the horse falls?
(a) Stay in bed for a week.
(b) Use crutches to walk.
(c) Rub linament on his joints.
(d) Take steam baths.

10. What does the mechanic agree to do for Ralph and Lonnie?
(a) Let them use his garage and tools.
(b) Give them both jobs.
(c) Fix the car for a low fee.
(d) Give them four new tires for free.

11. What does Ralph do while Lonnie is on his way into town?
(a) Plans a daily trip schedule.
(b) Readies the car for the replacement of the part.
(c) Takes a nap.
(d) Practices with his rifle.

12. Who had coached Ralph on which questions to ask?
(a) Dr. Lawson.
(b) Mrs. Fiely.
(c) Mr. Denali.
(d) Mr. Larsen.

13. What is attached to the horse's shoe for the movie?
(a) A trip wire.
(b) A microphone.
(c) A ribbon.
(d) A medal.

14. What do the people in #34 do when they arrive?
(a) Have dinner.
(b) Meet the rest of the crew.
(c) Get drunk.
(d) Test their equipment.

15. Mr. Larsen calls a lawyer who is able to reduce the mechanic's bill to what amount?
(a) $35.
(b) $15.
(c) $5.
(d) $10.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the person in #25 show Ralph?

2. What does the restaurant owner tell Ralph about the car?

3. What does Ralph give to the train conductor?

4. Lonnie tells Ralph that the __________________ on the car is broken.

5. Where do Lonnie and Ralph get most of the parts to fix the car?

(see the answer keys)

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