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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Lily tell Mookie as they walk to the mailbox together?
2. What does Lily realize about the men who were chasing Jack?
3. Who is waiting for Jack outside of his apartment?
4. What does Marshall speak with Lily about at the gym after he gives her a hug about Marie's death?
5. Why is Lily so glad to feel the warmth of the Winthrop kitchen?
Short Essay Questions
1. What information does Jack share with Lily about why he is in Shakespeare?
2. Explain the conversation that takes place between Lanette and Lily in the church.
3. What part does Lanette Glass play in the meeting at Golgotha Church?
4. Why has Lily chosen Shakespeare as her home?
5. Where does Lily run into the man with the ponytail throughout Chapter Four?
6. What happens to Marie, and how is Lily involved?
7. Who has been chasing Jack and why and what have they done to him? Where does Jack run to to take cover after he runs in Chapter Six?
8. Who did both Jack and Lily recognize as the group of men that shot and chased Jack?
9. Who is Jared Fletcher and what is his tie to Lily?
10. What thoughts go through Lily's mind as she is cleaning Deedra's apartment in Chapter Seven?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The group that causes all of the trouble in Shakespeare is referred to as a pack. Describe what and who the pack is and how the fact that they are merely a pack and not an organized group makes them, is some ways, more dangerous.
Essay Topic 2
Analyze the setting of the novel. What is the significance of the small town with one major industry? How does the setting affect the theme of the novel?
Essay Topic 3
Who pays the greatest price for Shakespeare's racism? How might this have been avoided if the black community were more aware of the racism in Shakespeare?
This section contains 1,191 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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