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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What indication of Deedra's changed lifestyle does Lily notice when cleaning her apartment?
(a) Her clothes are all put away.
(b) There are no dishes in the sink.
(c) Her trash has been emptied.
(d) Her naughty pictures are gone.
2. How does Howell react after finding out that Lily was in his house during the break-in?
(a) He is frightened that she knows more than she should.
(b) He is overly concerned about her.
(c) He is apathetic about her being there.
(d) He is slightly concerned.
3. What is Lily's excuse for being at the Garden Apartments the day after Jack was shot?
(a) She is there to see Claude.
(b) She is there to see Marcus Jackson.
(c) She is there to clean Deena's apartment.
(d) She is there to bring Jack home.
4. What question doesn't Lily ask Jack after their first night together?
(a) Will I see you again?
(b) What were you doing last night?
(c) Do you love me?
(d) Are you married?
5. What does Lily tell Jack she will do if the bad guys come chasing him?
(a) She will protect herself.
(b) She will shoot them.
(c) She will fight.
(d) She will call the police.
6. Which visitor of Lily's surprised her by the visit after the explosion?
(a) Janet.
(b) Howell.
(c) Marshall.
(d) Bobo.
7. Why does the guy with the ponytail attack Lily at Howell Jr.s house?
(a) He is a violent man.
(b) He thinks that she is someone else.
(c) He thinks she is an intruder.
(d) He is trying to save her from intruders.
8. What does Mookie tell Lily about the bomb?
(a) It was made of chemicals from a supply house.
(b) It was large.
(c) It was small.
(d) It was sophisticated.
9. What does Lily do to alarm the intruders that someone is in the house?
(a) She turns on the vacuum and sings.
(b) She whistles.
(c) She screams.
(d) She slams a door.
10. Cleve was once arrested for ______________.
(a) Drunk driving.
(b) Assault.
(c) Attempted rape.
(d) Lewd behavior.
11. Who is John Bellingham?
(a) A surgeon.
(b) The bomber.
(c) An FBI agent.
(d) The pastor.
12. What is Claude caught under in the church after the explosion?
(a) A pew.
(b) A statue.
(c) A light fixture.
(d) The cross.
13. Why doesn't Marie want Lily to call the hospital?
(a) She is afraid of hospitals.
(b) She wants to die at home.
(c) She is not sick enough to go.
(d) She does not want to die on the way to the hospital.
14. How does Karen Kingsland die?
(a) She is beaten.
(b) She is stabbed.
(c) She is drugged.
(d) She is shot in the head.
15. What comment had Carrie made about the bombing that Lily thinks about while cleaning Deedra's?
(a) The timing of the bomb was not maximum.
(b) The bomb was quite complex.
(c) The bomb had no more effect than to make everyone angry.
(d) A white supremist group must have planted it.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who helps Lily with her chin-ups at the gym?
2. How was the bomb detonated?
3. Who first speaks to Lily after the explosion?
4. What time is it when the church blows up?
5. What change did NOT occur at the Pardon's Apartments according to Carrie?
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