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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What method is used to kill Len Elgin?
(a) He is stabbed to death.
(b) He is run off of the road in his pickup.
(c) He is shot to death.
(d) He is beaten to death.
2. What does the spotter wonder as he drives home from the gym?
(a) If the police will find the gloves.
(b) If he will be caught.
(c) If Del will survive.
(d) If Lindy will date him now.
3. What is Jerrell's and Deedra's conversation about as Lily enters her apartment to clean?
(a) Jerrell is angry with Deedra for leaving home.
(b) Jerrell is angry with Deedra for not giving him money.
(c) Jerrell is angry with Deedra for moving in with her boyfriend.
(d) Jerrell is angry with Deedra for sleeping with a black man.
4. On the phone, what words did Lily use to tell Marshall that Del was dead?
(a) "Del Pakard is here, and he got murdered."
(b) "Del Pakard is here, and he got squashed."
(c) "Del Pakard is here, and he got smoked."
(d) "Del Pakard is here, and he got smothered."
5. How did Del fare at the competition the year before?
(a) He won.
(b) He came in third.
(c) He did not place.
(d) He came in second.
6. Why is Lily angry when she goes to bed after her date with Claude in Montrose?
(a) He tells her that she was being sued.
(b) He does not want to be friends with her.
(c) He makes her retell the story of The Fight.
(d) He does not believe her when she said his cops were useless at The Fight.
7. What was Bobo doing at the gym on the morning after the murder?
(a) Bobo wanted to workout alone.
(b) Bobo was looking for Dell.
(c) Bobo was opening the gym for Marshall.
(d) Bobo was looking for his gloves.
8. How does Lily know Bobo?
(a) She cleans for his mother.
(b) They went to school together.
(c) They work together.
(d) From the gym.
9. How many contestants are there from Shakespeare?
(a) Five.
(b) Two.
(c) One.
(d) Ten.
10. What does Claude want to discuss with Lily when he takes her to dinner in Montrose?
(a) The Fight.
(b) Marriage.
(c) The deaths that have recently occured in Shakespeare.
(d) A lawsuit against her.
11. How does Del describe himself?
(a) As a pumped up competitor.
(b) Sleek and good looking.
(c) As a good ole country boy.
(d) Self-centered.
12. At the beginning of the book, how long is it before the competition?
(a) One month.
(b) One week.
(c) One day.
(d) Two months.
13. Why does Lily jump into The Fight?
(a) Lily loves a good fight.
(b) No one else would.
(c) Lily is prejudice.
(d) Too many were beating on one.
14. What is the spotter worried about before he leaves the gym?
(a) What to do with the weights.
(b) What to do with the key.
(c) What to do with the lights.
(d) What to do with Del.
15. What is one of the reasons that Lily decides that she cares about Del's death?
(a) The small town atmosphere was on her nerves.
(b) She wanted the gym to close.
(c) Bobo was implicated.
(d) She had always wanted to solve a murder.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Lily wonder about Howell and his friend after they enter Howell's house?
2. When was the last time that the spotter and Del had spoken before the spotter joins him the evening Del dies?
3. What does Raphael tell Lily is bothering him when she meets him in the gym?
4. What month is it in the Prologue?
5. What needs to be done to Deedra's car?
This section contains 626 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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