Shakespeare's Champion Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Charlaine Harris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shakespeare's Champion Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Charlaine Harris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On the phone, what words did Lily use to tell Marshall that Del was dead?
(a) "Del Pakard is here, and he got smothered."
(b) "Del Pakard is here, and he got smoked."
(c) "Del Pakard is here, and he got squashed."
(d) "Del Pakard is here, and he got murdered."

2. In Lily's eyes, why is Lindy not a suspect for the murder of Del?
(a) She is not strong enough to lift the weight that was on the bar.
(b) She fears the germs in the gym.
(c) She is too sweet natured.
(d) She loves Del too much.

3. When was the last time that the spotter and Del had spoken before the spotter joins him the evening Del dies?
(a) Never.
(b) The same afternoon.
(c) The night before.
(d) The week before.

4. At the beginning of Chapter Two, why is Lily missing Claude?
(a) He has taken a vacation.
(b) He is dating someone else.
(c) He is not showing up to take care of her anymore.
(d) He is no longer speaking to her.

5. What does Lily educate Claude about concerning Del while they eat lunch together?
(a) How body building competition works.
(b) Del's acquaintances at the gym.
(c) Del's character.
(d) Del's routine at the gym.

6. Where does every Winthrop attend college?
(a) University of Arkansas.
(b) University of Tennessee.
(c) University of Alabama.
(d) University of Utah.

7. After hitting his car, what does Hodding do to make Darnell hit him?
(a) He makes fun of hitting the car.
(b) He jibes about Darnell's mother.
(c) He pushes Darnell's girlfriend.
(d) He tries to leave the scene of the accident.

8. What is Jerrell's and Deedra's conversation about as Lily enters her apartment to clean?
(a) Jerrell is angry with Deedra for not giving him money.
(b) Jerrell is angry with Deedra for sleeping with a black man.
(c) Jerrell is angry with Deedra for leaving home.
(d) Jerrell is angry with Deedra for moving in with her boyfriend.

9. Lily and Bobo think that Del must be in the tanning bed. Which reason is NOT one that they thought?
(a) The door is unlocked.
(b) The lights are out.
(c) They don't see him.
(d) His car is in the parking lot.

10. How does Deedra react to Jerrell's accusations?
(a) She slaps him.
(b) She threatens him.
(c) She cries.
(d) She denies them.

11. What is one of the reasons that Lily decides that she cares about Del's death?
(a) Bobo was implicated.
(b) She wanted the gym to close.
(c) She had always wanted to solve a murder.
(d) The small town atmosphere was on her nerves.

12. What is Todd Picard doing at Burger Tycoon the night of The Fight?
(a) Having dinner with friends.
(b) Following Darnell in the squad car.
(c) He is patrolling.
(d) Buying food for his family.

13. How much weight was on the bar when Del was killed?
(a) 210 pounds.
(b) 200 pounds.
(c) 180 pounds.
(d) 190 pounds.

14. What does Lily think about as she looks up at Claude's dark window on the night she walks late?
(a) Can she ever love him?
(b) Will she ever see him again?
(c) Will she give him another chance?
(d) Will he solve the Darnell case?

15. Which of the choices listed, is NOT how Lily described Del to Claude?
(a) He was harmless.
(b) He was a yokel.
(c) He didn't like blacks.
(d) He didn't like big words.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lily reserve Wednesdays for in her job?

2. Why does Lily jump into The Fight?

3. What does the spotter do with the weight bar?

4. What kind of neighborhood was Mookie's house in?

5. How many contestants are there from Shakespeare?

(see the answer keys)

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