Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose appearance marks a shift in Act IV of "Winter's Tale"?
(a) Perdita.
(b) Paula.
(c) Autolycus.
(d) Hermione.

2. What does Bloom say he suspects Shakespeare of, in "Henry V"?
(a) Disloyalty.
(b) Irony.
(c) Patriotism.
(d) Fear for his own safety.

3. What important character does Bloom say Iago influenced?
(a) Milton's Satan.
(b) Emerson's Transparent Eyeball.
(c) Whitman's Self.
(d) Melville's Ahab.

4. What does Ben Jonson say "Winter's Tale" unites with the dark fears of Leontes?
(a) The dire reality of mortality.
(b) The fresh hope of spring.
(c) The spectral possibility of spiritual rebirth.
(d) A feverish vision of eternity.

5. According to Bloom, T. S. Eliot prefers "Coriolanus" to which other Shakespeare play?
(a) "Macbeth".
(b) "Hamlet".
(c) "Love's Labor's Lost".
(d) "King Lear".

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bloom say is the moral of "All's Well That Ends Well"?

2. What opera is based on "The Merry Wives of Windsor"?

3. What does Theseus give away in "Two Noble Kinsmen"?

4. What is Bloom's complaint about "Henry VIII"?

5. Who whom does Fluellen compare Henry V?

Short Essay Questions

1. What insight does Bloom say "All's Well That Ends Well" gives us into marriage?

2. How does Bloom characterize the play "Pericles"?

3. What parallel does Bloom describe between characters Henry V and Alexander the Great?

4. What flaws does Bloom say complicate "Cymbeline"?

5. What is Bloom's estimation of "Henry VIII"?

6. Where does Bloom say "Winter's Tale" sits in Shakespeare's folio?

7. What interpretation does Bloom say he favors for Caliban in "The Tempest"?

8. What does Bloom say is the moral of "All's Well That Ends Well"?

9. What does Bloom say is the difference between 'Othello' "Cymbeline"?

10. What purpose does Bloom say "The Merry Wives of Windsor" serves among Shakespeare's plays?

(see the answer keys)

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