Shadows on the Koyukuk: An Alaskan Native's Life Along the River Character Descriptions

Sidney C. Huntington
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shadows on the Koyukuk: An Alaskan Native's Life Along the River Character Descriptions

Sidney C. Huntington
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Shadows on the Koyukuk: An Alaskan Native's Life Along the River Lesson Plans

Sidney Huntington

This person had a third grade education and adopted a child, number fifteen, in a second marriage.

James S. Huntington

This person visited a mother in New York.


This person was gone for a year after a spouse is killed, and this person walked home over 400 miles when the trial was over.

Jimmy Huntington

This person was hospitalized for six months while recovering from tuberculosis.


This person traded with their traditional enemy the Athapaskan Indians.

Old Mama

This person sent a spouse away after the trial for killing someone.


This person traded with a traditional enemy, the unfriendly Eskimos, and took along their oldest child when trading.

Victor Bifelt

This person came to Alaska looking for gold and ended up being killed over trapping rights.

Ned Regan

This person was acquitted of killing someone over trapping rights.

Dominic Vernetti

This person was a...

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