Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where is Gwen trying to get to?
2. Who was the head mechanic to the car whose brakes failed?
3. What happened as Gwen walked across the stage?
4. What suit was the dragon wearing?
5. How much money was Gwen's client offering her?
Short Essay Questions
1. What kinds of things did Sister Tamar take very personally?
2. What did Sylvia Black used to do in her youth?
3. What did Gwen come to Marcy Bartlett for?
4. What was the only reason that Lauren would go somewhere without telling anyone?
5. In what ways did Sherry Fenton learn to play "the game"?
6. What kinds of things show a familiarity between Gwen and Frank?
7. How did Gwen know it was Marcy and Trudy's anniversary?
8. What was not good about Meredith's age?
9. How did Gwen know which room Lauren was in?
10. How were the last twenty years kind to Sherry? How could they also have been cruel?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Compare and contrast Sylvia Black and Gwen. What similarities do they share? What differences? Explain which you think is the stronger personality, Sylvia or Gwen. Why?
Essay Topic 2
Many cities have a dark underside to their wholesome image. What kind of image does the town of Providence provide in the book? On the website? Hypothesize on whether or not the writer of the book has been to the real city of Providence. Do you think the characters fit well in the actual city?
Essay Topic 3
Explain the kind of personality it would take to do Gwen's job. What kinds of trauma's must a PI face? What about a police officer? Are there any differences? If so, how?
This section contains 967 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |