The Shadow Box Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Cristofer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Shadow Box Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Cristofer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Joe react to what Maggie has done to Steve?
(a) He comforts Steve.
(b) He yells at Maggie.
(c) He tells Steve to leave his mother alone.
(d) He asks Steve to leave them alone.

2. What does Brian admit scares him to death?
(a) What happens in the after life.
(b) Losing Mark.
(c) Never seeing her again.
(d) The act of dying.

3. What draws Joe's attention to the interview area?
(a) The loud crying of a woman.
(b) A man calls him over.
(c) A light suddenly comes on.
(d) The sound of recorded voices.

4. What does Joe want to do in regards to his feelings?
(a) Deny them.
(b) Redesign them.
(c) Vent them.
(d) Ignore them.

5. What is located in the interview area?
(a) A chair and a couch.
(b) A chair, a recorder and a man.
(c) A small stool.
(d) Two chairs.

6. Where are Maggie and Steve while Joe is hospitalized?
(a) Northwest.
(b) Southern plains.
(c) West coast.
(d) East coast.

7. Felicity often has troubles with which of the following?
(a) Seeing.
(b) Eating.
(c) Hearing.
(d) Reality.

8. Why did Joe discourage his wife from coming to see him more often?
(a) He always thought he'd go home.
(b) He was too proud to let her see him ill.
(c) He was ashamed of how he became ill.
(d) He didn't feel like company because he was depressed.

9. What does Joe believe his illness has made him more of?
(a) An emotionally withdrawn person.
(b) A person devoid of feelings.
(c) A man with no hope.
(d) An object rather than a person.

10. What does Maggie refuse to do when she arrives at the cottage?
(a) She refuses to let Steve touch his father.
(b) She refuses to go in the cottage.
(c) She refuses to talk to Joe.
(d) She refuses to talk about Joe's illness.

11. How does Brian describe fate?
(a) Sad.
(b) Amusing.
(c) Happy.
(d) Serious.

12. What does Brian believe people are doing instead of living more authentic lives?
(a) Denying the facts that are presented to them.
(b) Moving through their lives in an automatic way.
(c) Trying methods to prolong the inevitable.
(d) Praying to a God he does not believe exists.

13. How does Felicity feel about her treatment so far at the hospital?
(a) She is happy.
(b) She is relived.
(c) She is disgusted.
(d) She is incensed.

14. What does Joe admit to the interviewer about Maggie?
(a) It sometimes takes her a little while to fully understand things.
(b) She doesn't enjoy seeing him the way he is now.
(c) She is living in denial and will not admit he is ill.
(d) He hasn't told her the extent of his illness.

15. What topic does Joe try to change it to when Maggie continues with her lack of acceptance?
(a) The family buying a farm and living a rural life.
(b) The family dog who had died last year.
(c) The memories from the last family vacation.
(d) The happenings at Steve's school and Maggie's work.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Brian indicate is the only thing that anyone can be sure of?

2. What confession does Maggie make to Joe about Steve after he tried to drag her into the cottage?

3. What does Joe tell the interviewer was his second reaction to learning about his terminal condition?

4. In what year did this play win both a Pulitzer Prize and a Tony Award?

5. What does Felicity do to try and block out the interviewer's voice?

(see the answer keys)

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