The Shadow Box Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Michael Cristofer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Shadow Box Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Michael Cristofer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Maggie say she'll go in the cottage?
(a) When Joe is asleep.
(b) When it gets dark outside.
(c) When she's had some time to think.
(d) When she is ready to do that.

2. What does the interviewer suggest is keeping Agnes alive?
(a) Her senility.
(b) Lies.
(c) False hope.
(d) The hospital.

3. What do Beverly and Mark both agree that Brian is?
(a) The best writer they have seen.
(b) More highly evolved spirtually.
(c) A man worthy of both of their love.
(d) The most patient man around.

4. What caused Maggie and Steve to come to see Joe?
(a) They insisted that they had to come one last time.
(b) He begged them to come and visit.
(c) He no longer has the option to go home.
(d) The hospital insisted that they come immediately.

5. About how old is Felicity?
(a) 60-70.
(b) 80-90.
(c) 20-30.
(d) 40-50.

Short Answer Questions

1. What technique does the author use to provide depth to the stories without adding a lot of additional dialogue?

2. What do all of the characters seem to say about life?

3. What has caused regular visits between Joe and his family to be prohibitive?

4. Which of the following is true about the way Agnes treats Felicity?

5. How does Joe describe his life?

(see the answer key)

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