Shadow and Act Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shadow and Act Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Ellison's reaction to the term "Negro culture?"
(a) Highest type of culture.
(b) It is the world he longs to be in.
(c) Past and gone from sight.
(d) The term is so vague as to be meaningless.

2. What instrument does Henry Minton play?
(a) Guitar.
(b) Saxophone.
(c) Bassoon.
(d) Piano.

3. What do people eat at Minton's?
(a) Peanuts and beer.
(b) Fried chicken, hash, grits, biscuits and hot rolls.
(c) Caviar, champagne and escargot.
(d) Hamburgers and hot dogs.

4. What does Ellison do to find some peace and quiet?
(a) Pads the walls with newspaper.
(b) Begins to meditate.
(c) Creates a sound system of his own.
(d) Wears earplugs.

5. Who is Mrs. Lydia Maria Child?
(a) Patron of the LeRoi Restaurant.
(b) Teacher of jazz poetry.
(c) Leading member of the American Anti-Slavery Society.
(d) Primary benefactor of Tuskegee Institute.

6. What does Ellison believe Negro folklore does?
(a) Tells lies about the past.
(b) Keeps Negros down.
(c) Reveals the most intimate part of American history.
(d) Makes white people comfortable.

7. Who interviews Ellison in "The Art of Fiction?"
(a) Gertrude Whittall and T. S. Eliot.
(b) Donald Gibson and Bob Edwards.
(c) John Jacob & Nancy Kerry.
(d) Alfred Chester & Vilma Howard.

8. Where is Ellison living in the essay "Living with Music?"
(a) Across from the Manhattan School of Music.
(b) Tiny ground floor rear apartment.
(c) Cabin on board ship.
(d) Vermont barn.

9. Who is Charlie Christian?
(a) Greatest jazz guitarist.
(b) Highest paid night club singer.
(c) Haunting blues trumpeter.
(d) Innovative drummer.

10. What church does Mahalia grow up in?
(a) Pentecostal.
(b) Roman Catholic.
(c) Baptist.
(d) African Episcopal.

11. What is remarkable about the psychiatric staff?
(a) Have no experience.
(b) Receive no salary.
(c) Have no psychiatric training.
(d) Not licensed by the state.

12. What do the three sections of "Invisible Man" represent?
(a) Purpose to passion to perception.
(b) Terror to understanding to acceptance.
(c) Darkness to dawn to full sun at noon.
(d) Ancient to modern to future.

13. In "The Art of Fiction: An Interview" what does Ellison say at the very beginning?
(a) Did you hear the one about the three guys who go into a bar?
(b) All questions must be submitted on paper first.
(c) I don't have much time so hurry up.
(d) "Invisible Man" is not an autobiography.

14. What kind of bird does Ellison say Parker is?
(a) Haunting Vulture.
(b) Poor Robin.
(c) Sad Crow.
(d) Silly Turkey.

15. What is the first book Ellison ever reviews in a publication?
(a) Richard Wright's "Amazing Grace."
(b) E. Waters Turpin's "These Low Grounds."
(c) John Joseph's "Ain't no way out."
(d) James Baldwin's "Protest Novel."

Short Answer Questions

1. Does Ellison have "Invisible Man" completely thought out prior to writing it?

2. What kind of radio does Ellison have?

3. What is James Reese Europe known for?

4. How does Ellison define the "understanding of art?"

5. What is Jimmy Rushing's instrument?

(see the answer keys)

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