Shadow and Act Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shadow and Act Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3, The Shadow and the Act, Section 4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Ellison's family live in a middle class white neighborhood in Oklahoma City?
(a) Ellison's father made a great deal of money in the railroad business.
(b) Ellison's family has always been well to do and had nice houses.
(c) There is no Negro neighborhood in Oklahoma City.
(d) His mother, a single parent, is a custodian in an apartment building there.

2. Where is Ellison's review of Myrdal's book published?
(a) Sociology Today.
(b) The Antioch Review.
(c) It was never published.
(d) The New York Times.

3. What is the relationship between Ellison and Stanley Hyman?
(a) Professors competing over the same university job.
(b) Cousins who grew up together in Oklahoma.
(c) Writers who abhor each other's work.
(d) Friends and intellectual sparing partners.

4. What is James Reese Europe known for?
(a) Starting a fire at Minton's.
(b) Inventing the fox trot.
(c) Playing the tenor sax.
(d) Protesting segregation.

5. What does the hero of "Invisible Man" do that is a common theme in Negro folklore?
(a) Hides his true self from the world.
(b) Layers meaning under jokes and images of nature.
(c) Writes his thoughts in song lyrics.
(d) Travels from the south and goes north to find freedom.

Short Answer Questions

1. What race of people are allowed into Minton's?

2. Other white cultures have black face type entertainment, but what is different about American black face?

3. What musician does Ellison see as the true "trickster" archetype?

4. Who painted the mural that is displayed above Minton's bandstand?

5. What kind of bird does Ellison say Parker is?

(see the answer key)

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