Shadow Prey Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

John Sandford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shadow Prey Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

John Sandford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. The meeting is held just below which Fort?

2. Davenport takes Lily to see which friend?

3. Who tells Davenport about finding Hood?

4. What is the name of Davenport's girlfriend?

5. Who is notified of the murder?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who are Larry and Carl Reed? What is their crime?

2. What are the results of the competition?

3. In the beginning of the story, Sioux Indians go on a killing spree with the hopes of capturing an enemy. Discuss the plan.

4. Who are Aaron and Samuel? Discuss the conversation between Aaron and Samuel.

5. Why is Davenport worried about Jennifer at this point?

6. Examine the mission assigned to Billy Hood. How does Hood feel about the assignment?

7. How do the Crows react to the news? What is their next step?

8. How is Hood's address discovered? What do Lily and Davenport do when they get information about Hood's whereabouts?

9. Shadow Love spends time reflecting on his past. What is Shadow Love Thinking about?

10. Who is Ray Cuervo? What is the man's business?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Treachery is everywhere in "Shadow Prey." People constantly deceive one another for personal gain or revenge. Many acts are considered to be treachery when they were not. List at least five different examples of treachery. Include details surrounding each case. Were any of the cases linked? If so, how? Shadow Love takes a particularly dim view of treachery, remarking how the traitors must die. What is Shadow's gauge for treachery and self-preservation? Explain.

Essay Topic 2

Write a short memoir that might have been written by Shadow Love or one of the Crows. What types of things would the character be most proud of in his life? Do you think the high points would be related to heritage or protection of the culture? Would the memoir include details of his relationships with his traitors and victims? How might the character describe how he felt before, during and after each murder?

Essay Topic 3

Lily is able to recognize Billy Hood by looking at a photo supplied by Davenport. The group had to retrieve photographs from the StarTribune, a process that is quite different than today's standard methods. Which is most efficient? Which produces better quality? In your opinion, which is the better method? How would today's technology make it easier to receive and transmit photos to other law enforcement agencies? Explain.

(see the answer keys)

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