Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What name does Jim call Elisabeth?
2. What career does Jim pray God will grant him the opportunity to pursue?
3. Who said, "His emphasis was upon sacrifice, not of worldly goods so much as of family ties?"
4. Whose teaching convinces Fred Elliot to "recognize that life is worth living only if given over completely to God?"
5. What is Jim grateful the Lord has given him over the past four years in college?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Jim realize by the middle of his freshmen year at Wheaton College?
2. What is the significance of Jim turning down the offer to act as the business manager of the Tower?
3. Why are the Indians curious about the white men?
4. What are some examples of Jim's high school escapades as a prep test for his service to God?
5. Why does Jim watch his diet and exercise?
6. What are the weaknesses Jim sees while working for the Foreign Missions Fellowship?
7. What are some of the struggles and flaws Jim experiences in this chapter, The Realized Will?
8. What does Jim learn while working side-by-side with his father the summer after his college graduation?
9. What are some of the activities Jim, Dave Howard, Verd Holsteen and Roger Lewis do while traveling for the Foreign Missions Fellowship in 1948?
10. What are some of the gifts the missionaries give the Aucans?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Jim is regarded as a woman hater while a young adult. Elisabeth's friends tell her that breaking a date with Jim is a bad move. How does Jim gain this reputation? How would Jim's life be different if his view of women was different? Explain your answer.
Essay Topic 2
Research an article or book describing the lives of one of the murdered missionaries' families (Elliot, Saint, McCully, Fleming, and Youderian). What happened to the families after their loved ones death? Do these family members continue the work of the murdered missionaries? If not, what does the family members do? Cite examples when necessary.
Essay Topic 3
In the Preface, the author, Elisabeth Elliot, notes Jim and his fellow missionaries with whom he died are hailed as heroes, or "martyrs." Elisabeth Elliot believes Jim would not approve of being called a martyr. Why do you suppose he would not? What does Jim die believing in? What kind of life would Jim live if he were alive?
This section contains 685 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |