Shadow of the Almighty Test | Final Test - Medium

Elisabeth Elliot
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shadow of the Almighty Test | Final Test - Medium

Elisabeth Elliot
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Bill Cathers' letter detailing his wedding plans surprise Jim?
(a) Both were expected to travel to Latin America to help Bert.
(b) Both were expected to organize another Bible study.
(c) Both were expected to go to Ecuador in the New Testament pattern of two-by-two.
(d) Both were expected to finish painting the McCully home.

2. What does Jim tell Elisabeth is the reason for him leaving his family and missionary projects behind to minister to the Aucas?
(a) Jim would be one of the first white men to reach the indigenous tribe.
(b) Jim is following God's purpose.
(c) Jim has spent his entire life training for this flight.
(d) Jim needs to see for himself how an uncivilized tribe lives.

3. What happens to Jim that tests the couple's resolve in God?
(a) He contracts a high fever.
(b) He almost drowns in floodwaters.
(c) He contracts jungle rot.
(d) He breaks his arm.

4. What does Ed McCully write in his letter to Jim?
(a) Ed is leaving school to live a life completely for Christ.
(b) Ed has a position in missionary field work.
(c) Ed will be joining Jim in Norman, Oklahoma.
(d) Ed is transferring to Wheaten College.

5. How much manna were the children of Israel given in the wilderness?
(a) One hour.
(b) One week.
(c) One day.
(d) One month.

Short Answer Questions

1. Besides his visa, what else is finally cleared prior to Jim leaving for Ecuador?

2. What is the name of the yacht that picks up passengers in the port of Puna?

3. What does Dr. Tidmarsh teach Jim and the other new missionaries?

4. What happens by the time Jim finalizes his passport to Ecuador?

5. Who ends up accompanying Jim to Ecuador?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Jim and Elisabeth concur about modern weddings?

2. What happens when Jim prays that God will give him some signal for his departure?

3. What happens when Elisabeth is believed to have contracted tuberculosis?

4. What seems to be a consistent problem Jim and the missionaries encounter?

5. What is the significance of Elisabeth coming to Ecuador?

6. What are some of the situations that require Jim to use his medical training?

7. Describe what happens when the ship makes port at Puna and the men disembark.

8. What does Jim realize upon teaching and learning language with the locals?

9. How does Jim handle his rebelliousness with God in this chapter, Hemmed in to Nothing?

10. What events point to the idea that Jim's eventual mission is coming to fruition?

(see the answer keys)

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