Shadow of the Almighty Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Elisabeth Elliot
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shadow of the Almighty Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Elisabeth Elliot
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jim's renewed mind regarding others' behavior foreshadow?
(a) His ability to lead and supervise people.
(b) His willingness to let God change him from the inside out.
(c) His willingness to listen to others when he asks for guidance.
(d) His awareness that God works in mysterious ways.

2. Whose teaching convinces Fred Elliot to "recognize that life is worth living only if given over completely to God?"
(a) Donald Munro.
(b) Henry Varley.
(c) Harry Ironside.
(d) Billy Sunday.

3. Why does Jim decline a ticket to the school dance?
(a) He states as a Christian he is not to be "in the world" that way.
(b) He does not believe Christians should attend dances.
(c) He is wary of girls and their intentions.
(d) He does not have a date.

4. Where do Jim Elliot's Scottish ancestors settle in the New World?
(a) Quebec.
(b) Montreal.
(c) Ontario.
(d) Saskatchewan.

5. What theme runs central between conversations between Jim and his father while painting together?
(a) Conservatism in the classroom.
(b) Ministering in places far from home.
(c) Ministering to young fellows for God's work.
(d) Nonconformity.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why doesn't Jim want to spend several weeks away from his family with his friends Dick Fisher and Dutch?

2. What does Jim Elliot bring to school in his backpack with his school books?

3. What does Jim warn Elisabeth before he lets her read his journal?

4. Where does Jim take Elisabeth during her first visit to his family?

5. What does Jim tell his sister to do at the beginning of each day?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Jim wary of women?

2. Why does Jim rebuke the world's fascination with Einstein's new theory of gravitation?

3. What happens when Jim is invited home with Dave Howard during Christmas,1945?

4. What is the significance of Jim turning down the offer to act as the business manager of the Tower?

5. What does Jim note is the problem with Americans that missionaries write about?

6. What happens when Jim counsels a fellow student disenfranchised with Christianity?

7. How does Bert and Colleen's departure for mission field work in Peru influence Jim?

8. What events influence Fred Elliot's conversion to God?

9. What does Jim conclude while attending the 1948 International Student Missionary Convention at the University of Illinois?

10. What are some examples of Jim living the verse, "Whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might?"

(see the answer keys)

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